Sean abruptly pulled into a small business parking lot and threw the car into park. I was confused, looking out the window, not knowing where we are or why we have stopped. I turned to ask Sean where we were.

His lips crashed on mine, his hand going behind my neck. His fingers drifting over my neck with a featherlight touch. I responded to his kiss by running my tongue over his lower lip. He groaned the most delicious sound and his tongue slid into my mouth. My body ignited in tingles all over. His tongue caressed with mine and his citrus and ginger scent woke all my senses up.

To my dismay, he pulled away from me and kissed the end of my nose. I was breathing hard, my chest rising and falling like I had run a marathon. "That seemed to effectively stop your giggling."

"You made me laugh. You were tickling me." I defended myself.

"All is fair in love and war." And he was back to driving toward his house.

"So if I want you to kiss me, I have to start giggling?" I asked with a coy smile.

Sean looked at me and shook his head with a chuckle. "You are a dangerous little vixen aren't you?" I didn't quite understand what he meant by that and it must have shown on my face. "No, pumpkin. If you want me to kiss you, you just have to say. But if you still feel too shy to verbalize your need or desire, you can always use body language or just think about me kissing you and I could probably read it on your face." I blushed at his words and he stroked his fingertips over my blush.

"Well you can't think about wanting me to kiss you again right now. Owen is behind us and we have some shopping to do." He was laughing. "But if you want to hold that thought for tonight....." He left the thought lingering and I turned even redder.

We arrived at his condo and I am surprised that even in mid November the roses were still blooming. Owen had pulled his car in next to us and got out of his car, making it impossible for me to get out of Sean's car. Owen opened my door for me and extended a hand for assistance. I swung both feet out, took his hand and stood. Trying to be ladylike in a skirt.

Owen shut my door, took my school bag, and laced our fingers together as we walked to Sean's front door. Sean was ahead of us opening up his door, my overnight bag in his hand. I noticed the roses at the front have a nice fragrance. Owen reached over and plucked a rose off the bush. "For you Miss Sorenson." I inhaled the delicious scent and smiled.

When I smell roses, I now think of the nine Chrysler imperial roses that Mr. Blackbourne gave me at Victor's concert behind stage. They were for my birthday and it was the first time I thought all nine of these beautiful guys like me. I still don't know how I got so lucky.

Inside Sean's condo I excuse myself to use the bathroom before we leave. Sean has gone upstairs to put my bag in his room and Owen is sitting in the living room. I look at my hair that Meanie quickly pulled, twisted and pinned after gym class. He is amazing. I could never get my hair to do anything other than pull it in my clip or leave it down, hanging limp. I readjust my skirt and smooth my shirt flat. I am happy I chose to dress for Owen and Sean. They both seem pleased with my outfit today. I feel like they are claiming me, in a way, when I wear their favorite color and See they are happy with my choice.

Back in the living room both Sean and Owen are waiting for me. They look happy and relaxed. "So, where to Pookie?"

"Let me look up the address, but first...." I pointed my phone at Sean and snapped a picture of him smiling easily at me.

"Was it good? Let me see."

"I like it!" I walked over to him to show him the phone. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me onto his lap.

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