Chapter 99

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Author's Note: !!!SEXUAL CONTENT WARNING!!! After so long of not putting this up here, it's finally back! Since I didn't have too many sex scenes in this story, I figured it might be fun to write one at the end. So, here's my gift to all of you who stuck this story out: A wholesome ending to a rough beginning.



"So, what are we celebrating first?" Niko asked. "You or Maya?"

"Maya," Solomon said. "I don't have anything to celebrate." They were just leaving the store that day. And Solomon was planning something grand for his sister. After six months of dealing with that lawsuit with the school, Ira had put enough pressure on them with the news and the laws for them to crack. It was definitely one of the faster lawsuits that Solomon had seen Ira do. But, knowing how much stuff like this angered the man when it came to his family, Solomon had a feeling that he was working tirelessly on it.

The court ruled in favor on Maya on the second court date. Apparently, she wasn't the only girl that the school had mentally abused. As soon as more people started to come out of the woodwork, the school decided that it was time to end it. They agreed to pay the sum that was in the lawsuit in hopes that they wouldn't have to pay more to the others that were starting to act up. Parents were also starting to take their kids out of that school for fear that their child was dealing with, or would deal with, the same thing that Maya had.

They had actually just gotten the money from all of it. Solomon had put it in an account for her to use. It was her money after all, and he knew that she would spend it wisely.

Of course, it probably meant that he wouldn't be able to get her that new car for her eighteenth birthday. That was the first thing that she was talking about when he gave her the bank card.

But he could think of something else. The most important thing was that she was happy. They had decided just to put her in the same public school that Marie and Julia were in, instead of having her continue online. At least then, she could see her two best friends while finishing up her schooling. Solomon had been using his extra money to pay for her dance lessons.

"Besides the fact that you can finally walk normally again?" Niko smiled at him.

"That's going to be a surprise for Maya when we finally get there," Solomon told him. He had just gotten the cast taken off that morning, and it felt so good to finally be able to walk normally again. The doctor said, just to be safe, that it would be best to give it another week before going back to work. Other than that, though, he was all healed up.

They pulled into Niko's garage. Solomon was half tempted to just call it his garage too at this point. The man had somehow convinced him to stay the whole time he was healing. Letting him get up and actually do things for himself helped too.

"I think she forgot all about this being the day you get it off," Niko said.

"No," Solomon told him. "She just thinks that it's going to be later. I told her that it wouldn't be for another month so that I could surprise her."

"How many other people did you tell that to?" Niko raised an eyebrow. The party had probably already started without them. They had planned to have it at home with a bunch of friends and family. The mansion was big enough for all of them anyway. The front of the mansion was already packed with cars large and small. And, knowing Maya and how much she loved parties, she probably couldn't wait for them.

"Everyone but you and Ira," Solomon winked at him.

"I have a feeling that I'm going to have to keep you from getting tackled," Niko chuckled. He opened the garage door for him as he carried some of the things they bought inside. The main thing they went out for was a cake from the local bakery. The Baker was really excited to make a cake for this, he knocked off a chunk of the price. Solomon was going to refuse, but the man insisted.

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