Chapter 75

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"Guys!" Benny hollered. "I found him!"

All of them flooded the room. They had been looking for Will for days at this point. The man just disappeared! They knew that he was still in the building, but he apparently knew his way around this place more than Lee and Suzy!

Will was in one of the giant offices. Papers scattered the desk that he was borrowing, as he was scribbling quickly.

"Will!" Sarah came up to him. "Where have you been?! We've been looking all over for you!"

"I've been trying to find the right paperwork," Will said. How he could talk and continue to write was a true art. Because the paperwork seemed like it was complicated. "You guys actually caught me right as I was finishing up."

"What's the paperwork about?" Benny asked. 'He barely got a look at it before Will had swept it all up and tapped it on the desk to straighten them all out.

"It's a request form," he told them all.

"A request form?" Benny asked. "What's it for?"

"For saving our case," Will winked at him. "I still have a few more tricks up my sleeve."

"How are you going to save it?" Suzy asked. "The Last Chance cases say that there must not be any interference from the cupids after the initial meet."

"This goes beyond a Last Chance case," Will told her. "There's no way that the boss is going to just let a true love match die just because of a dumb rule like that."

"Wait," Justin's eyes got wide. "You aren't thinking what I think you're thinking, are you?"

"Yup," Will started walking out of the room. "I'm going to personally hand this to the boss."

He walked into the busy halls, making sure to lose his friends before they tried to stop him. This could be their last hope. And he wasn't going to ruin it.

It was easy enough finding the bosses office. It was on the top floor of the building. And the door had the name 'Eros' written on it in gold cursive. It was absolutely stunning.

Of course, Will also found this office easily for a whole different reason. He had gotten called to that office one too many times in the past. And it wasn't because they were friends.

But this wasn't about any of that. Will shook his head. He couldn't be getting cold feet about this now. This was too important.

He knocked on the door right as he came up to it. If he paused for just a second, he knew that he wasn't going to have the courage to do this.

"Come in," the familiar voice said.

Will walked into the large office. It was white with marble all around. Windows reached the ceilings, bringing in beautiful sunlight through the thin curtains. There was some seating all around the lavish office. But, the most important seat was right in the middle of the room.

The desk was a dark wooden one. It was filled with paperwork that Will was sure he was interrupting at the moment. In the seat just behind the desk sat Eros: the one who controlled everything that happened in their department. He was the god of love, after all. The rest of the Cupids were just there to help him with the never-ending work that love always entailed.

Will walked up to the desk and gently placed his papers down on it. The boss had been too occupied with his paperwork that he must not have noticed who it was that came in. Once he looked up to see Will, those blue eyes had a curious look to them.

He quietly picked up the papers that Will had set down and started to look through them.

"Ah," he smiled. His golden hair shined in the sunlight that came in. "Niko's case, am I right?"

"Yes," Will told him.

"I'm glad you were put on that case, Will," Eros said. "You truly have a gift for finding some good matches. It just took a while to get it out of you again."

Will chuckled nervously. His coworkers weren't the only ones who liked to bring up the past a lot, especially his past.

"They're a true match," he told him.

"It would seem so," Eros' smile got wider. "Congratulations."

"But, sir," Will shook his head. "They need help."

"Is that what you think?" he raised an eyebrow. "Is that why you've given me an intervening request form?"

"Yes," he nodded. "It wasn't Niko's fault. But there's no way that Solomon would believe him. And there's no chance in them even seeing each other again unless we intervene."

"You know, Will," Eros set down the papers. "I miss the positive attitude that you always had. What happened to the 'They're going to make it' Will that we all know and love?"

"But they did make it," Will argued. "They made it, and were on their way to even being a part of each other's families. They were perfect."

He looked down at his feet. He had to convince him to let them help these two. There was no way that they could just sit back and watch as a true love just crumbled. They were meant to be.

"They are perfect," Eros smiled. He opened a drawer and pulled out a remote. On the wall that was facing the windows, stood the flatscreen that he had in his office. He turned it on and started flipping through channels. "That's why I'm declining you're request."

"What?" he looked at him in surprise. "Why?"

"Do you know how a butterfly learned how to fly, Will?" Eros continued to change the channels at a rapid pace.


"When they first try and get out of their cocoons," he told him. "You see, the cocoon helps dry off their wet wings and gets the blood pumping through it.'

"Some people think when they see a butterfly coming out of its cocoon, that it's struggling. They want to help the beautiful creature come out and bring joy to the world. So, they help get it out of its cocoon. They fail to realize that the struggle was what they needed to actually fly."

He could see where this was going.

"But these two have already struggled," Will told him. "They've already been through so much before even making things official!"

"Some couples do," Eros told him. "Sometimes you need to go through a lot to realize just how much you love someone. If you're willing to go through all of that with someone, then you're most likely going to have a long and fulfilling relationship."

"But Niko and Solomon ended just because of something that wasn't his fault," Will pleaded. "Both of them are so hurt already. Please, there has to be some way to end this."

"I'm glad I put you on a Last Chance case, Will," Eros told him. "These cases truly show you just how natural love can be." He finally got to the channel with Niko on it. It was an overview of his house at the moment. Right at the front door stood two tall figures that Will couldn't make out at the moment. "And natural love always finds a way back."

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