Chapter 50

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"I didn't talk to you guys about him because I wasn't sure about him yet," Solomon said. "I was trying to see if it was going to turn into anything more."

"More?" Olivia asked. She was nice about asking questions at least. He was sure that Brittany and Jessy were going to be demanding. "What do you mean by more?"

He started to tell them about how he first met Niko. They all remembered the modeling gig that he did. He had to tell them about the fact that he flirted with him on the interview and the little drama that started with that. They seemed a little skeptical of it until he told them how he apologized afterwards and begged him to do the job.

"Man," Brittany looked over to Jessy, "This isn't fair. Why do you get to know everything first?"

"Because I work as the back up babysitter," Jessy laughed. She already knew most of the events that transpired in the beginning, so she was just sitting back and letting everyone else catch up.

"I call dibs on that next if it means we get updated on this!" Olivia put up her hand and giggled. "Besides, Maya is easy to watch."

"She likes me better," Jessy teased. Olivia pouted at that and folded her arms.

Solomon was enjoying the moment, until they started pushing him for more information. That was when he told them about the dinner party and all that transpired there.

"Wait," Jessy stopped him. "You never told me that you met his dad there."

"Oh, he was a pompous ass," Solomon rolled his eyes. "He looked at me like I was nothing more than gum on his shoes. I'd say the most interesting thing that happened there, though, was this chick who tried to corner me in a hallway."

"Did you two get in a cat fight?"

"No," he shook his head. "I stopped that before it started. She went on talking about how he was hers and all this crap while she had just made out with at least two other guys that night."

"Eww," Brittany's face scrunched up. "What a hoe."

"That's what I was thinking," Solomon rolled his eyes. "While everyone else was dressed up to look professional, she had on the skimpiest dress too."

"And what," she asked. "She thinks that she owns Niko or something?"

"I don't know, I haven't heard about her or seen her since."

"What did Niko have to say about that?" Jessy asked.

"That she was just a fling of his from a while ago," he said. As much as he hated that his friends had just barged into his house and forced him to talk about all of this, a part of him was glad to finally get all of this out.

"Okay," Brittany cracked her knuckles, "So, we already know one person who might need to get knocked out."

"Calm down," Solomon laughed. "I haven't seen her since and Niko absolutely hates her."

"How do you know?"

"Because of how he looked every time that her name was brought up. And whenever she tried talking to him at the party, he would have the most annoyed look on his face."

"I still think that she's going to need a bitch smack or two," Brittany shrugged. "But I'll wait. Just tell me when she finally pops up."

"Fine," Solomon rolled his eyes. Brittany was the one who always wanted to jump into fights.

When that was over, he talked about what happened after the party and when Niko almost kissed him. It was something that he wasn't expecting. He had told Jessy about it, but he never exactly told her what Niko had said before he pulled away.

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