Chapter 76

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The doorbell rang again. Niko wished that he never told anyone where he lived. He'd much rather be a recluse at the moment. Nothing mattered to him but the covers that he hid himself under.

He didn't know how much time had passed. It must have been at least a day or two. He was just planning on using up all of his time off. There was no point in saving it anyway. And he really didn't want to deal with work at the moment.

He didn't want to deal with anything.

What if the person at the door were his parents? He was sure that they would love to see him like this. They would probably just call him a failure for getting this upset about a relationship. He was irresponsible for taking time off from work. Who knows, though? Maybe, after all the nagging and bitching, he would get put back on their wills?

He'd rather die.

Niko groaned as the doorbell rang again. It had been going on like this for a solid thirty minutes. Whoever was there was determined, he could say that. He knew his parents wouldn't put up this much of a fight to talk to him. It wasn't like they ever cared about his health or his emotions. They'd just talk about how he was acting like an over emotional child, and it was time to man up.

He couldn't handle even the thought of that right now. Every part of his body was heavy and sluggish. But his parents would be right. He was acting over emotional. There wasn't anything he could do about this situation that he had somehow gotten into.

He had to answer the door. What if it was Matilda? He had promised her that he would be there more for Jay, and he didn't want to go back on a promise. Jay was his responsibility too.

Of course, he really wished it would be Solomon at the door. But there was no possibility that it was. Niko had found all of the things that he had left over at Solomon's condo in a bag on his front door that same day. The man had wasted no time in getting rid of him. That hurt him the most.

Why couldn't he just tell him that he loved him? That's what he had been trying to say the last time they spoke. While Solomon was going off about what he had just seen, Niko didn't know what to say. He just knew that he loved him more than anything in his life. He would give anything to have the man in his arms again.

Niko slowly got up and walked down the long hallway to the entrance room. He had never thought that his place would feel so empty. He always enjoyed living by himself in a large place like this. But now it just felt hollow, like his heart at the moment.

"I'm coming," he muttered. He probably looked like shit at the moment. But he really didn't care anymore. He opened the door after the most annoying thirty minutes of his life.

"I had a feeling you would eventually answer the door," Angel stood outside.

"Angel?" Niko rubbed his eyes. "What are you doing here?"

"Niko! Baby!" Riko let himself inside.

"What?" he looked outside to see if there was anyone else that was with them. He didn't even know that Riko was there until he walked in. "Why are you two here?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Angel asked. "You've been missing for two days now, Niko. The whole office was starting to worry about you."

The office was worried about him? He never really thought that enough people cared enough to. Especially not at the office. He was just their boss, nothing more, nothing less.

"And then I saw the magazines," Riko took off his sunglasses to give Niko a worried look. "Man, you look worn. It reminds me of my first divorce."

"Thanks, Riko," he shut the front door behind the two. They were both inside at that point. "But I'd really rather not hear a story right now."

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