Chapter 78

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The week seemed to drone on and on. Solomon decided that it was best to try and work through most of it. He had taken one day off to spend with friends and Maya. He had been too weak to argue with her about taking the day off from school. She hadn't taken too many days off that year anyway. It was nice to at least be able to hang out with her a little.

It would have been better if he didn't have this pain in his chest. He hadn't even dated Niko for that long, but, man, did it hurt to see him that day. He could barely manage to get out of bed at all after that. It replayed in his mind over and over, and the pain came back every time, like waves. It didn't dull or get any less. He couldn't build a tolerance to it.

He missed Somner. If he were still there, then he wouldn't have to deal with any of this. He wouldn't have to deal with someone cheating on him just to look good in the news. He would just be happy with the one that had always stayed faithful to him.

Which was why, of course, the picture was back on his nightstand that day. Jessy had convinced him to put it away, so he didn't go right back in the mindset that he was in before. But he was so tempted to keep it there. Solomon didn't like being alone. He never felt alone when he was with Somner. Even when they were just friends. They always comforted each other when they had nightmares, or were just scared. They might have had to act like adults at a young age, but there were still plenty of nights where they would stay up late just talking about how scared they were. It was through their fear, that they found safety and shelter. Because they both had each other, no matter what.

Solomon missed that. He thought, like the fool that he was, that he could have that again with Niko. He thought that he could feel safe in those arms. He thought that he could care, and be cared for. What they had was something special.

Now he just wished that he had never met the man at all.

"Alright," Solomon parked. "We're here."

The one good thing that he could take out of this week was the contest that he was going to. After all the short days at work that he had, he would practice the song he was supposed to play. Him and his partner had been practicing the song together every other Sunday. Solomon had been keeping it a secret from Niko because he wanted to surprise him. Niko had been so happy to watch him play, and so moved by the music he made, Solomon wanted to show him what it was like in one of these contests.

This was a professional contest too. It wasn't for the beginner player. This contest was for creators who could make their own music. He had been in these contests for a while. They were always great to perform at. But, this one in particular, was a fun one. This one was the first that challenged its competitors to join with another and make a song with them. It was a piano and violin duet competition in which they had to make their own song and make it work.

Solomon and his partner had decided to combine two songs that they had together. It was a fun little experiment of theirs, but it turned out really well.

At this point, he didn't care if he won or lost. He just wanted some music therapy for his soul. And, on a Friday afternoon, he really felt like he needed it.

"Are you excited?!" Maya was bouncing in her seat.

"Of course, I am," Solomon smiled at her. She had been extra clingy that week. As much as he wanted her to be her own person, he liked having her close. "It's the competition I've been waiting ages for."

He got out just in time to see Jessy pull up right next to him. She had Brittany with her, of course. The two of them were inseparable when they weren't working. Their age didn't matter with how great of friends the two were.

"Hey, guys!" Jessy got out and hugged Maya. She ran to her as soon as she saw her. "We thought we'd come a little early."

"A little?" Solomon crossed his arms. "It's going to be two hours until the thing starts, you know."

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