Chapter 16

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Friday nights were always fun for Solomon. Whether it be relaxing after a long hard week, or hanging out with friends, there was always something that he could enjoy from those nights. Maya and him would have movie marathons a lot. They used to have competitions for who could stay up the longest, but Solomon kept losing to her.

It was hard to stay up when you just worked eight hours in the heat.

Sometimes they would practice their hobbies together. He would play his piano while she would make up some dance for it. They worked well together, which added to the fun of it. He had created a lot of new songs from nights like those. Playing the piano had always been a passion of his. It just wasn't one that he had been able to make a career out of.

Winning one competition was one thing, trying to make a regular income on playing it was another. But Solomon was happy with what he had. He loved being in this city, in his cozy condo with Maya. He may have to repair ACs for a living, but it wasn't that bad of a life.

He just had to keep reminding himself that.

"Here it is," Solomon set the food down in the center of the table. Maya had gone to her friends for the night, so he thought it would be a great idea to invite some of his old friends over.

"I'm starving!" Brittany whined as Jessy got her food first.

"Shut up," Jessy laughed as she scooped some of the food onto her plate. "I got here first."

"It's not my fault that I was stuck at work," Brittany complained. She was a spunky chick with a lot of attitude. Solomon actually met her at a bar a long time ago. She had dared her soon-to-be boyfriend to kiss one of his friends that night. It was a sight to see at least.

"You really need to get a better job," Solomon said. "All that stocking's going to hurt your back eventually."

"You're one to talk," Brittany said. Her pink highlights shined in the yellow lights that he had above his dining table. "I see you carrying those heavy parts and those units. You're more likely to break your back than me."

"No," Jessy said. "He's more likely to hurt his heart by electrocuting himself. Which is much worse than hurting your back, in my opinion."

"Can't we just say that they're both equally bad?" Avi asked. He was an old friend of Solomons that he had known since high school. The slim man used to get picked on quite a lot at school, but he always had a positive attitude, and Solomon loved him for it.

"Isn't Olivia and Gary supposed to be here?" Jessy asked, finally setting her plate down so that Brittany could get some. She was practically eating the food as she was putting it on her plate.

"They're probably running late," Solomon answered. "Olivia has a big family, so you never know if they invited her over to dinner. And Gary might have gotten called in."

"I think they would have texted us or something," Avi said, his expression changed from excitement for the food to worry. "Do you think they got into an accident or something?"

"Nope," Jessy looked at her phone. "Just got a text from them. They're stuck in traffic."

Avi sighed and leaned into his seat a little more. "That's good."

"So," Brittany said, now that she was eating at a slower pace. "How's your one Friday off without the wife or the kids?"

"You act like I'm under house arrest or something," Avi laughed. His laughs always made you feel light and carefree.

"Don't mind her, Avi," Solomon shook his head. "She doesn't know you from before you were married."

"But I act the same," he furrowed his dark eyebrows. "At least, I thought I did."

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