Chapter 38

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It had been a long week. Two cases finally hitting their climaxes around the same time. It was stressful whenever that happened. But now Sarah had nothing to do. It always felt good bringing someone to justice, especially when it came to love. But the time in between cases were boring and sometimes dragged on.

Well, there was always that bet to check up on. She wondered how Benny and Will were doing. Lately they had been glued to that TV in the breakroom on her side.

Sarah walked through the door that separated the two departments and started heading to the breakroom. She really hoped they were there. Knowing the bosses, they could easily be assigned to another case while they wait for the first one to start picking up speed.

Man, did they get a crazy case. Sarah had to hand it to them. They knew how to make things interesting when it came to the game of love.

She opened the door, and was shocked. Not shocked to see that Benny and Will were still there, because that never came as a surprise. She was more surprised at what they were doing.

"Okay," Benny was pacing in front of the screen. Solomon and Niko were on there talking about something that she couldn't make out. "So, here's the problem with this-"

"It's not that bad, Benny," Will shook his head. He was sitting on the couch, facing away from Sarah at the moment. Neither of them noticed her walk in. It was just the two of them this time. Suzy and Lee must have had to do something for their cases.

"There were three chances!" Benny waved his arms in the air. "There was when Solomon first came to Niko's, right before dinner; the time after they got back from the restaurant and Solomon used his car door to block anything from happening – again! – And!" he put a hand out to stop Will before he even started to speak. "The scene was perfect for them to kiss at Solomon's place, right by the front door! It would have been perfect! There was nothing that we could have done to make it better! The lights were dim, the stars were out and shining. They were both looking deeply into each other's eyes. And what happens? Maya!"

"What's going on?" Sarah walked up to them. It wasn't every day she saw Benny get this dramatic. His blond hair was a mess, which wasn't like him. He usually always kept his hair looking nice, no matter whether he was going out for a case or staying in. Will was the one who typically left his hair messy.

"We're having a debate," Will explained.

"There is no debate!" Benny whined. "This case was doomed from the start. Now it's not even Niko that's going to ruin it! It's going to be Solomon!"

Oh. This was another one of their silly little arguments. If only she made popcorn. This always made for the best entertainment.

"This case wasn't doomed, it isn't doomed, and Solomon's not going to ruin it just by waiting to kiss him!" Will argued. Sarah sat at one of the chairs to watch them both.

"He doesn't even want to touch him!" Benny dramatically fell into his seat. "They won't even hug!"

"Benny," Sarah butted in. "Come on, you know what just a hug would wind up turning into with Niko."

"That's the point!" he put his hands together like he was praying. "That's the end goal here, isn't it!"

"Solomon isn't avoiding Niko's touch," Will ignored what Sarah said. "The fact that he lets Niko hold him like that is saying enough."

"Well, yeah. But that's it!" Benny said. "That whole night that they went out was anticipation."

"So," Sarah interrupted them again. "This is about them not kissing again?"

"Of course, it is!" Benny sighed. "Because that's the only way we're going to make any progress here, and the only way we're going to see if they're going to make it."

"Don't you see, Benny," Will leaned in to look at him. That spark never left his eyes. "It's a good thing that they're taking it slow. It allows for Niko to really have some time to think about whether he wants Solomon or not – which, we all know, he definitely does – and it means that when they do finally solidify their relationship, it'll be all the more stronger."

"That's not the point!" Benny looked up at the ceiling dramatically.

"What is the point you're trying to make, Benny?" Sarah asked.

"The point is: this sucks!" He crossed his arms and pouted. "We're stuck on a mission that we can't do anything with because we're supposed to test whether this guy can change his heart or not. And all we can do is watch as they inch closer to a relationship at a snail pace!"

Sarah had to stop herself from laughing at the first thing he said. Benny was great when he was being dramatic. He was hilarious at parties too. With just one drink in him, he was a livewire.

"Why don't you guys just pick up another case or something?" Sarah asked.

"We can't," Will sighed. "We're under strict orders not to."

"Wait, really?" she stopped smiling and looked at them seriously for a second. "You guys were told that you could only do one case at a time?"

"Yup," Will told her.

"What did you two do?" Stuff like that never happened to cupids. It was their job to stay busy. There were too many humans, and too many love stories for them to just sit around all day.

"Heh," Benny smiled and put his hand on the back of his head. "We don't talk about that."

"Well, we were partnered up for a pretty long time before this," Will said. "It took me almost a month to figure out who to pin Niko with."

"And if we tried to do another mission," Benny explained. "We could get yelled at, whether it's accepted or not."

"Yikes," Sarah said.

"It's not all that bad," Will said. "At least we can never get fat from all the snacks that the kitchen has."

"True," Sarah nodded. "That's a fun perk of this profession. I bet you the bosses absolutely love gorging themselves with all the sweets that we have here."

"Probably," Will laughed.

"Well," Sarah looked at the TV screen. "There's always Riko to get a good laugh in, too, you know."

"Riko's a blast," Will smiled. "He always knows how to get people out of their shell."

"I wish we would have gotten him for a case rather than Niko," Benny shook his head. "He'd be the easiest case."

"It'll be okay, Benny," Will assured him. "This case will be over before you know it."

Sarah just chuckled and let it the conversation die. At least she knew she would have some company on her days off. Life was always more enjoyable with friends.

Author's Note: The lighthearted cupids are back! Isn't this great? I hope you enjoyed Niko's reaction to Solomon's past. It seems like he's changing little by little. Solomon's definitely making a mark on him. The only question is, will it be enough?

Thanks for all the votes and comments!


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