Chapter 71

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It was probably going to be another early day today. Solomon sighed as he thought about that. Not only did that mean that he wouldn't get paid for the hours that he was losing, it meant that he was going to be bored the rest of the day.

They always had at least one time in the year where they were a bit slow. Solomon usually saved up some money just to prepare for this season. As the temperature finally starts changing, people stop needing to use their AC as much. There just wasn't enough work for everyone, especially not the AC guys. That was another reason why he had gotten all the certs that the company would help him with. If he wasn't getting a lot of jobs on AC units, then he could help to work on some appliances or plumbing issues.

Today no one seemed to need any help, though. Everything was well in the city, it seemed. So, Solomon would have to call it another day and just leave early. Maybe he could go and get some lunch in downtown. It might be fun to see Arthur in his restaurant, or Pete at his cozy little diner. He hadn't talked to both in a while, now that he thought about it. He was bad at keeping in contact with people. He tried to talk to them regularly, but there were always those days where there was just too much to do.

At least days like these allowed him to catch up with everyone. He had helped just about all the businesses here with their AC or a plumbing issue before. Just about all of them knew him by name at this point.

He knew days like these weren't going to last, much to his relief. These short days were a fair few just because of all the clients that the company had gotten over the many years that they've been around. Solomon had helped build their name in downtown just by helping all the owners out. A lot of other workers had gone to help them before too, and they rarely got an angry customer when they were done.

He just wished now that he could pull Niko out of work. It was days like these that were perfect for hanging out with someone and simply enjoying the day. The sun was bright, even behind the clouds today. There weren't any signs of rain, and there was a light breeze blowing through the city. It was absolute paradise right now.

And he had absolutely no one to share it with.

He remembered days like these when he could just pull Somner out of work. He always did office work, and there was rarely a time when he couldn't leave early. As long as he didn't make it a habit, and the work still got done, his boss didn't care. They would always walk around downtown and just enjoy the view. On weekdays, it was practically empty. The bare streets made everything seem ten times calmer. It was one of the few times that he would be able to see Somner relaxed for once.

But he wasn't going to think about that. It would only be a few more hours before Maya would get out of school, and then maybe one or two more before Niko would get out of work. He might not be able to have them both right now, but the promise of being with the one's he loved later helped keep his spirits up.

They had just celebrated Maya's birthday just last week, but he was already starting to plan for her next one. Her eighteenth birthday he wanted to be big. He had been saving up for it for a while now, and he finally had a good enough amount of money to start looking.

He was planning on getting her a car when she turned eighteen. It would be the perfect thing for when she had to travel, or go to school. He had to look for the right one, though. It had to be built for travel, and still hold all of her stuff in it. Her college fund had grown quite a lot now, so he wasn't worried about her going to school after graduating, but having a car would definitely help too.

Solomon was always the type of person to plan everything. He liked having an idea of what to do or get for someone's birthday way ahead of time. It helped so that he wouldn't be slapped in the face with it later on down the road. Planning ahead was how he always got by. Especially with money. That was always a smart thing to do when you had enough to plan ahead for.

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