Chapter 9

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The downtown of Amor had so many different businesses in it. The city prided itself in focusing a lot on small businesses and supporting them, and it definitely showed in the streets of the hottest spots. Of course, there was always your average fast food place on every other corner, or a gas station chain. But everything else was mostly owned by the people of the city.

Solomon loved walking down those streets. It had been difficult for him to get out and enjoy it just a short while ago. The owners were almost always there at their businesses, and whatever they sold was in the best condition. From clothes to food, it was an impressive sight to see. There was even a restaurant for the ones that spoiled their animals and wanted to eat with them. It served food to both person and pet.

Cool, right?

Solomon's favorite place, out of all the amazing buildings in the downtown, was this one: 'Curly Q's Hair Salon'. He had found it many years ago. The hair salon focused solely on naturally curly hair. It might seem like a bad business move, for a hair salon to just focus on one type of hair. But they had grown quite a popularity in the short time that he had started to go there.

And there was only one person in that place that he would trust with his hair.

"Please tell me that she's here," he looked over to the woman at the desk. She immediately knew who he was talking about. He didn't come every day. That would be ridiculous. But he had been going to that salon regularly for so long by then that there was no way they didn't know him.

"Of course, she is, Solomon," the woman rolled her eyes. "You already set up an appointment with her and everything. There's no way that she's not going to be here."

"You say that now," he raised an eyebrow. "But there were three times in the past week where she completely canceled on me last minute."

"Solomon!" the woman of the hour showed up from the back room. "There's my man!"

He crossed his arms and kept his eyebrow raised at her before she could come over to hug him. She was definitely a sight to see. Her long black hair was passed her waist, but it was braided on one side of her head to keep it off her face. Her caramel skin made her look like she was from an island or something. But she had told him that she had lived here her whole life.

"Don't get all sassy with me!" the woman laughed. Her emerald eyes were brought out with all the dark colors that she wore. "Didn't you miss me at all?"

"Jessy, I have every right to get sassy with you," he told her.

"I said I was sorry!" she huffed.

"How do you cancel on me three times?!" he argued. As much as he was annoyed, he wasn't truly angry with his friend. They had known each other ever since Solomon found this salon. "The gig is tomorrow!"

"I promise I'll make up to you for it," she smiled and came closer. He reluctantly let her hug him. "You're my favorite client, after all."

"Just help me with this mess," he sighed. He hadn't really had a chance to come here in a while with all the things he had been doing with Maya lately. And working in the heat with all the electricity that he messed with, his hair had definitely needed a professional's touch.

"What did you do to it?!" Jessy picked up a loose strand right when they got to the wash station. "It looks like you burnt it."

"I may have accidentally electrocuted myself before this," he relaxed as the woman took his hair down from its bun.

"What?!" she stopped what she was doing for a second. "How did you get electrocuted?"

"Fixing Brittany's garbage disposal," he explained. She was another friend of theirs.

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