Chapter 58

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"I don't think I've seen you this excited for something since you got your promotion," Angel looked at him quizzically.

"I just have something planned for the evening," Niko shrugged. "That's all."

Niko liked that they both still shared their lunches together. It was nice to get away from all of the silly drama at the office and enjoy the peace, even if it was only for an hour.

"Does it have anything to do with the man you've been interested in?" Angel asked. His dull eyes showed a hint of curiosity in them. "The one you got for the modeling gig?"

"Maybe," Niko smiled as soon as he mentioned him. "Why do you ask?"

"You've been a little too quiet around the office," Angel told him. "And, with how much you smile at your phone all day, people are starting to wonder who this lucky lady was who stole your heart."

"I didn't think you were the gossiping type, Angel."

"You can only imagine what I hear when in that office," Angel sighed. "Some of the people on that floor just love to gossip too much. It's annoying."

"I wonder what their reaction would be if they found out it was a guy," Niko pondered.

"Your parents wouldn't be happy about it, I know that for sure."

"Oh, they already know," Niko waved his words away. "I'm pretty sure that I'm dropped from both of their wills at this point."

"And you aren't concerned with that?" Angel looked shocked at his words. "Not even in the slightest?"

"It was coming no matter what," Niko grumbled. "They've been holding things like that over my head my whole life. If anything, it just gives me more freedom by not being their sole inheritor."

Angel laughed at that. He so rarely laughed that Niko had to do a double take to make sure he heard it from the right person.

"You really love him, don't you?" he asked. The way he was smiling at him made the man look twenty years younger. For a second, Niko could see a spark in those light blue eyes of his.

"You know, Angel," Niko smiled back at him. "I really do. He's the only one I could ever see myself being with in the future."

"I'm glad," Angel put a hand on his upper arm. "It's about time you found someone that wasn't going to last just a month."

"And what about you?" Niko asked. They had already paid the check and were walking out to the rain. "Isn't it about time you find someone?"

"I doubt that any woman in the world would want to deal with all the problems I have," Angel said. "Besides, I've already lived my life, and had my children. I'm better off being alone to my thoughts."

"Jeez, Angel," Niko shook his head. "You sound like you already have a foot in the grave."

"I would be if I hadn't stopped smoking," Angel said. "But, no, I just mean that I'm happy being by myself, with what little family I have."

Niko didn't think the man was happy, but he wasn't going to press him on the matter. Angel was stubborn, even more so than Niko. The only person he had ever let push him around was his ex-wife, and that stopped as soon as he divorced her.

The rest of the day went by quickly. He spent a good majority of his time replanning for his date that night. Everything had to be perfect for this. The rain was going to stop soon, too, which meant that luck really was on his side. The forecast said that it was going to be clear skies all throughout the night.

Of course, you can never fully trust the weatherman. It was Florida. Weather was going to be chaotic no matter what. But it meant that he still had a chance of getting this right.

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