Chapter 30

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Both Justin and Sarah were staring at the screen with their mouths open. The little bit of popcorn that Sarah had just popped into her mouth before had now fallen out. It was always easier to see with her black lipstick on. And it made it all the more hilarious to watch.

All of them were shocked. Even Lee and Suzy, who had been in the company the longest out of the group that were there. None of them could believe what they had just seen on the television screen. None of them but Will. He just looked proudly at it with his arms crossed.

"Told you," he smirked.

"How?" Sarah barely got the question out. She had a hand up in the air, motioning towards the screen. "How is that even possible?"

"He should have just walked out right then!" Justin finally found his words. His mint green eyes looked furious. "Anyone else in his shoes would have! Especially now that he knows how much Niko gets around!"

"I'm surprised Niko didn't lie to him," Benny said. "He probably knew just what he was getting into when Solomon asked him that question. He could have easily lied and just given him a small number."

"He actually wants to take this relationship seriously," Will smiled. He had never been on a case like Niko's before. Neither with Solomon's case. Both were complicated, and had many layers to them. There was so much history that caused them to be who they were, especially in regards to love. And there were a lot of complications as to their emotions.

Last Chance cases almost never have happy endings. It's difficult for someone to change from their ways. Change is always difficult. But, once they did, it wound up helping them in immeasurable ways. Cupids who were able to complete cases like these and give them happy endings usually wound up extremely satisfied with that case. The toughest cases always felt the best when you were able to complete them.

And, while this case was moving slower than most, Will was sure that he was going to be especially happy with it. If he and Benny actually got Niko to have a change of heart, then they would be officially off of the restrictions that the boss was submitting them to. And they would no longer have to go to those meetings for cupids who were failing too many cases.

But Will was happier that his gut was actually telling him the truth this time. These two seemed to fit together like puzzle pieces. The more they talked, the more they seemed to connect with each other. Niko had actually gotten Solomon to flirt with him! It was adorable seeing the two talk to each other.

"I just don't get it," Sarah shook her head. "Why would he give him a chance?"

"I mean," Will put a hand to his chin. "Niko did tell him the truth, right off the bat. Solomon seems to be the type of person who likes that sort of thing."

"The only way that their relationship could even last was if it started on truth," Benny said. "And if Niko told Solomon the truth, that means that he truly does want this relationship to last."

"He's never wanted a long-lasting relationship though!" Justin argued. "The man has been with so many women it's not even funny! He wouldn't even try to settle down with Matilda when she had his son!"

"That was probably a good thing," Suzy finally spoke. "If those two tried to force a relationship, it wouldn't have worked out and he would have broken her heart more."

"But he did love her!' Justin said. "I remember the cupid on that case. He told me that Niko really did love her."

"It wasn't lasting love," Suzy explained. "Just like you can love someone for a time and fall out of love with them."

"That," Will interrupted their argument. "And Niko wasn't willing to change for her. Which is why it was a good thing that relationship ended when it did."

"And you think he's going to change for Solomon? He's probably not going to kiss him or have sex with him until that month is up," Justin shook his head. "He's only prolonging the inevitable."

"I doubt that," Will said. "Not with how hard Niko's working to try and get him. There's no way that he's just going to ditch him after they have sex for the first time."

"I think the real test here is seeing how long after they have sex Niko will want to stay with him," Benny said. "There's so many factors to this case. It's giving me a headache."

"Love is always complicated," Lee laughed. "There's always twists and turns that you'd never expect. There's always going to be the couple that you think will last through the ages that, for some reason, doesn't. Just like there's always those accidental couples that come together after a one night stand and wind up staying with each other for life."

"I don't think love is complicated," Will shook his head. "You see, love, itself, is simple. It's life that makes it complicated."

"Ugh," Sarah rolled her eyes. "I hate it when you guys get all sappy and poetic. I swear, you cupids do it way too much. It gets so annoying after a while."

"Love you too Sarah," he gave her a playful wink. He could have said that he knew she secretly loved when they talked like that. Anticupids and Cupids were all the same in a sense. They all loved love, no matter what. That's why they were in this line of work. Sarah had first became their friend when Will was talking about something like this. Way before Will had gotten himself in this much trouble.

"Can you just press play already?!" Sarah motioned back at the screen. "We're missing the good stuff!"

Will just laughed and pointed the remote towards the screen. If anything, he was mainly happy that he had so many people there to watch this with him. He always enjoyed people's company. The laughter; the arguing; and all the in-betweens. It's what truly made this place feel like family.

Author's Note: I shared Sarah and Justin's reaction to this at the beginning. Sorry about the little cliffhanger today. I promise that it'll be worth it for tomorrow's update. Things may or may not be picking up a little more.

Thanks for all the votes and comments you guys give this story. It's my first time writing anything in the romcom genre and I'm still a wee bit nervous about it.


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