Chapter 96

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He was not used to this.



"I can do this on my own," he complained. Ever since he agreed to live with him for the time being, Niko had been doing everything for him. It was absolutely ridiculous! He would help him dress, get anything he needed, make sure he was as comfortable as possible, and eat with him when he was home from work.

He absolutely loved it.

But there was no way that he was telling Niko that. One word of that to him and he would somehow convince him to stay there forever. Those hands had a magic touch to them whenever they slid across his body. And Niko would wind up kissing him every chance that he got when they were alone.

He had never met someone so cuddly in his life.

"And what if I want to help you with this?" Niko asked. He had gotten his tub ready for him in the bathroom. As much as Solomon felt a little too helpless at the moment, he was too easily convinced by those loving hands and those kisses that he scattered all over his neck.

"You don't have to help me with everything, you know," he tried to argue. It was difficult when his hands were already wrapping around him to pick him up.

"It's only a week, Solomon," Niko whispered to him. "Please let me."

He finally agreed and let the man pick him up. He had no idea how Niko was able to pick him up so easily. Solomon wasn't exactly a twig. It took muscle to be in the line of work that he was in. But Niko picked him up like he was nothing but a feather.

This was degrading, having someone else wash you. He was perfectly capable of washing himself. His muscle was just pulled, it wasn't like he was paralyzed or anything.

"You're cute when you grumble," Niko chuckled. "You know that?"

He didn't even know he was grumbling. Laying in bed all day had done nothing for his mood. He kept worrying about if he was going to get better. He needed to make sure that his back fully healed if he wanted to continue with his work. If it didn't, he had no idea what he would do.

"How can you pick me up like this?" he asked him.

"You aren't that heavy," Niko said. He slowly lowered him into the bathtub. The water was nice and warm. "I also like to use the home gym that's here quite a lot."

"No one's ever been able to pick me up like that," Solomon leaned his head back against the headrest. This bathtub was built for comfort. There were even jets that shot out water in it. They were the next things that turned on when Solomon was placed in there.

"Has anyone ever washed you before?" Niko asked. He was already working on Solomon's hair. Considering he didn't take a shower at the hospital, it was probably filthy by now.

"No," he shook his head a little bit. The jets were immediately unknotting all the muscles in his back. All the laying down he had done had made him stiff. "I've also never been in a bathtub like this before."

"I'll have to take one with you sometime," he started to wash his shoulders. "When this is all over."

"I just wish this were over already," Solomon sighed. As much as those hands were heavenly, he couldn't enjoy them fully while he was dealing with all of this pain. It was slowly going away, but it was still difficult for him to get up and move on his own. It didn't help that the cast for his foot made him have to wear crutches to get around.

It was a double wammy, and Solomon wasn't enjoying it.

"It'll be over soon," Niko kissed his cheek. He always knew how to make him smile, even when he was a mess like this.

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