Chapter 44

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He didn't want to go home after that. He was tired, but wide awake at the same time. His mind was wired with thoughts about everything that had happened the night before. There were too many things that he had to think about.

And he really wanted to see Solomon.

The only issue with that was that the sun had barely come out and there was no way that Solomon was awake. He stayed up pretty late with him that night.

Sighing, Niko sent him a text and headed towards home. He could at least get a shower in and a change of clothes. He had completely forgotten that he was in a suit the entire time he was over at Matilda's. It had probably gotten some stains on it, but it wasn't anything that a trip to the dry cleaners wouldn't fix. When he looked down at it, there just seemed to be some drool on his shirt and some butter from the popcorn.

Yeah. That would come out easy.

He took a quick shower, just so that the warm water wouldn't relax him too much. He didn't want to go back to sleep. Then he would wind up sleeping the whole day away. Niko had done nights like these before. Most of them were due to parties where he had to go to work the next day. No matter how hungover he got, he always made sure he went to work. That was just a price he had to pay if he wanted to have fun.

He would rarely get enough sleep those nights either. At least with today he didn't have to deal with a splitting headache.

Actually, come to think of it, he hadn't really been to any parties since he started seeing Solomon. He hadn't really wanted to. Niko was sure that his usual friends that he went to parties with were wondering where he went. They probably thought he fell off the face of the earth.

Niko looked at his phone the second he got out of the shower. He checked his text messages. Now that he was thinking about it, they never really called him or sent him a text to see how he was. They had asked him if he was going to a party a few times and then that was it. They never bothered to ask what was going on in his life.

He guessed he should have expected it. It's not like they were all close. All they did was party. There was never any talking about their personal life.

It just weirded him out, that these people he had known for so long didn't bother to see if he was okay or not. Matilda didn't love him, but he knew that she would be there at the drop of a dime if something bad ever happened to him. Clay too, even though he was sure the man hated him.

Then he remembered when Solomon came as quickly as he could when his washing machine broke down and started flooding his house. They barely knew each other, but Solomon was willing to take time that he was using to relax from a hard day's work to race over there and help him.

They still didn't know each other that well. But Solomon was willing to help him with Jay last night.

He never had someone like that. Someone who was willing to help him out and ask for nothing in return.

Well, there was the bill for the washing machine, but that wasn't the point.

His phone rang just after he had finished changing. Niko couldn't help but smile when he looked at who it was.

"How in the world are you awake at this time?" Niko asked.

"Me?" Solomon chuckled. "I should be asking you that. I know you stayed up longer than me."

"I'm used to not getting that much sleep," he told him.

"Are you still watching Jay?"

"No, Clay came at around 5," Niko looked at the clock to see that it was 6:30 at the moment.

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