Chapter 34

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He was going to kill that sister of his.

Somehow, in some way, she had used her voodoo magic on him. That, or she had somehow nabbed Solomon's phone and gotten his number to tell him. He didn't remember leaving his phone anywhere that she could have grabbed it, but he never put anything past her.

They had decided to meet at Niko's house again, so that he could drive them both to the restaurant. And, what does he see when he pulls up to the house?

Niko, dressed in green suit, with a bouquet of roses in his hands.

Solomon's favorite color was green.

And he looked absolutely stunning in it.

So, this either meant that his sister had been going behind his back and planning this with him, like the evil little sister she was, or Niko had somehow just decided to do all of this without knowing these things about him.

He was going with the first option. Because, it was either that, or his heart was going to explode.

He may have been with some people who weren't romantics and didn't go all out. But that didn't mean that he didn't like flowers and all the lovey dovey stuff that came with it. He loved it all: the candlelit dinners; the long walks on a beach; the staring out at a night sky together. It just wasn't something that he ever thought was going to happen.

And now he was worried about where they were going to go to eat.

"You're here early again," Niko smiled at him. He always smiled every time he saw him. Once Solomon realized that he was doing it only to him, he couldn't deny that it made him feel good.

"Would you rather I turn back and drive around for an extra ten minutes?" he teased. He couldn't help but smile back at him. It felt good to see him after a whole week of simply talking over the phone.

"Only if you'd let me jump in the car with you," Niko winked at him. After all the calls to each other that week, he found out how easy Niko was to talk to. Their conversations easily lasted hours without him even trying to.

Niko handed him the flowers as soon as he got out of the car. They were the fancy kind that came with their own vase.

"I hope you like flowers," Niko said. "I didn't quite know what was your favorite, so I went with these."

"They're beautiful," Solomon said. "Thank you."

"Don't worry about it," those blue eyes got brighter. "I've still got a lot to prove to you, remember?"

"And where did you think of the green suit?" he asked. He really had to know where the man got that. It looked amazing.

"Oh, this?" Niko looked down at his outfit like it was nothing. "This was just lying around. It reminded me of you, though."

"How did it remind you of me?" he felt that arm go around his waist. It sent electricity through him, as his body buzzed with excitement.

Why did it feel this good to be held by him?

"I don't know if you'd believe me," Niko shook his head.

"Try me," he swore if Maya actually called this man to tell him to do all of this he was going to ground her for life.

He might just be her brother, but he could still do that.

Niko threw him out of his thoughts by grabbing his hips and turning them to face him. They had gotten all the way to the front door of the mansion at that point. Those blue eyes demanded his attention again, and he gave in.

"It reminded me of your eyes," he said.

"My eyes?" now he was confused. His eyes weren't green. Was he just trying to say things to make him fall for him more? Because it was already working before he said this.

"Yeah," Niko smiled again. This time, his smile seemed a little softer, his eyes looking straight at his. "It has just a little bit of green, right by the iris. In the sun, it looks lighter. Kind of like this suit."


Oh, he didn't play fair in this game! Solomon wasn't supposed to be falling this hard after only officially dating him for a week.

But no one had ever told him that.

"You really got all of that, just from the tiny bit of green that's in my eyes?" He also couldn't get over the fact that those hands were still on his hips. It didn't really help fight off his feelings for the man.

"You forget that one of the departments I work closely with is our advertisements," Niko said. He made no move to back away from him or give him space. "Your eyes were actually one of the main reasons why I wanted you for that gig."

"Really?" having this man this close to him was intoxicating. There was so much tension built up in the tiny space that separated their bodies. Solomon was going to lose himself way too quickly if this kept up.

"Really," Niko said.

A car horn from one of the main streets nearby snapped him out of it. It felt like he was hypnotizing him.

"I think we're going to be late if we keep standing around here," Solomon said. He took a step back to get out of the charmer's hold. Thankfully, Niko let him go. His touch still lingered on him, as his hands slowly dropped back to his side.

"Here," Niko opened the door to his place. "Let's set down the roses first. Unless you want to bring it with you."

Solomon shook his head and walked in with him. The mansion of his wasn't that grandiose. He had been in a couple that were just like walking into a story book. There was gold everywhere, and old paintings with invaluable objects scattering the walls. He was relieved to see that this one was much simpler. It was big, that was for sure. But it gave him more of a homely feeling, with dark colors and natural lighting.

"What do you think?" Niko looked more than excited to show him the entrance room.

"It's nice," Solomon looked around. Mansions always had such high ceilings. It was gorgeous, but he always wondered how they could keep the plants that were on the shelves up there watered, and the few decorations clean. He always thought they would get really dusty after a while. No matter how well of an air filter you had, dust always loomed.

"Just nice?" Niko's face fell. It made Solomon want to laugh a bit. "I just can't seem to impress you, can I?"

"Is that what you're trying to do?" he smirked. Niko always had a bit of a child-like energy to him. It was the kind that liked to spread to everyone else, including Solomon. It was why he teased him so much.

"Not entirely," Niko motioned him over to a small table that he could use to rest the flowers. "I just never know what you've seen or not."

"I've seen places like these a lot," Solomon said. "I like this one, though. It's the first mansion I've been to that actually feels like a home."

"Really?" Niko seemed shocked at that.

"Yeah," he said. "But, if this was all about impressing, then you did that more with that suit than anything else."

"How did a suit impress you more than a mansion?"

"I don't know," he shrugged. "Maybe I'll leave that for you to figure out."

"You're the romantic type," Niko led him through the house to the garage. "Aren't you?"


"If that's the case," he slipped that arm around his waist again. "Then you're going to love this restaurant."

Solomon just shook his head and got into the car that he was led to. With how this was already going, he wasn't sure how much longer he could put up a fight.

With how hard he was already falling, he wasn't sure just how much longer he would want to.

Author's Note: Hi guys! I figured since yesterday was all about Niko, we could have a day with Solomon! This is going to be a fun date, I can already tell. Also, I absolutely love Maya! Her and her brother are so alike sometimes, it's weird. Can Niko prove himself to Solomon? There's only one way to find out! 

Thanks for all the love you guys give this story!


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