Chapter 98

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"Hey, Will?" Benny whispered.


"Why is the boss still in the breakroom?" It was bad enough that he had come there in the first place. He first found them when Will had the party just a few months ago. But now he was just sitting with them all on the couch...

The boss...


The God of love himself...

Was sitting right next to them all, watching the screen as Solomon talked to Ira.

"That's a good question," Will said. "I don't know actually." They were standing by the kitchen area as Will was going to get snacks.

"Maybe I enjoy the company sometimes," Eros said loud enough for them to hear him. "Or I was wondering why you guys always wind up here."

There was some silence. Then Will and Benny looked at each other.

"Do you think he heard me?"


Eros looked over at them and raised an eyebrow.

"Will you two stop acting like school children and sit down?" he said. Sarah couldn't help but snicker at that. Benny's face was pale at that point when he realized that he had been heard.

"With all due respect," Lee looked over to him. "Don't you have more important things to do than watch this with us?"

"I could ask the same for all of you," he told them. "Sometimes, it's nice to just sit back and enjoy the show."

"Do you do this often?" Justin asked.

"What?" he looked at the anticupid. "Sit around with you all and watch it a case? Not really."

"So, what do you think?" Will sat down next to him with all the snacks. He was always the best at playing it cool with everyone.

"I think," he grabbed some popcorn from him. "That you guys did a better job than any other cupid I assigned a Last Chance case to."

"Really?!" Benny perked up.

"Don't get a big head," Eros told him. "The main reason I put you on this case was so that you wouldn't be able to give up and screw up."

"Heh," Benny shrank, "Sorry."

Eros sighed.

"He's a good shot though," Will elbowed Benny playfully.

"You better not get a big head either, Will," he warned him. "When this goes well, I'm going to need both of you to have level heads after you finish this one."

"Guys," Sarah got their attention. "He showed Solomon the magazine!"

They watched the screen as the old man placed the magazine down. This was exactly what Eros was worried about. Ira had always been a studious man, and he had been extremely protective of his family after he came to his senses.

He had been watching this case since it started. It wasn't often that Last Chance cases lasted as long as theirs had. And it wasn't very often that a case like Solomon's got pulled from its spot in the records and put where the normal ones went. It was interesting seeing just how well these two worked together.

There was a chance that this could scare Solomon out of being with Niko. The look on his face as he saw that image was one of pain. It was obvious to see that he still remembered that day clearly.

"Do you think he's going to believe him?" Justin asked.

"Well," Eros looked at him. "There's one thing that none of you realized about Solomon."

"What do you mean?" Will asked this time. He had researched Solomon's file so much he had it practically memorized.

"As much as he's a forgiving and loving soul," Eros told him. "He's also stern, even with his family. He knows the bad things about the one's he loves, as well as the good things."

"Wait," Sarah looked at the boss this time. "Why are you saying that?"

Eros just nodded to the screen and motioned for her to watch.

"I remember someone who was worse than just a player who used people," Solomon said. Ira looked shocked that he had even said it. His whole speech was having everyone in tears just watching it. But the best thing was the smile on Solomon's face when he finished.

"Yes!" Will hugged Benny. "We did it Benny! We actually did it!"

"I can't believe he actually went off on him like that!" Sarah laughed. "I've never seen anyone go off on him like that!"

"His son did quite a lot," Eros smiled. "Those two were the better than any comedy show ever made."

"You watched them?" Sarah furrowed her eyebrows. "How?"

"I watch all the people of Amor," he told her. "The city has a special place in my heart."

"Okay," Will pulled out some fabric samples. "Are we going with a black and white dinner party? Or more of a flashy, red and pink one?"

Eros laughed at that. Will was absolutely ridiculous.

"You never stop, you know that?"

"That's a part of the job," Will smiled at him, looking like a proud kid. "Besides! It's time to celebrate!"

The two on the screen were holding each other on the couch, enjoying a day together. Eros couldn't be happier that they had finally gotten another successful Last Chance case.

Will was just thinking about Obasi's reaction. He was going to throw an absolute fit.

Eros stood up and stretched.

"I'll leave you all to the preparations," he told them. "Of course, you guys still have a few months to fully plan it, just to make it official."

"Aww," Will pouted. "I wanted to have it today."

"It gives you all the more time to plan the best party you can," Eros winked at him. "Congratulations, by the way."

He walked out right as the rest of the ones who were watching were cheering together. It was cute seeing them all celebrate a case gone right. Another tail of love was told and yet another bit of happiness was brought to the world.

He would say that it was a job well done.

Author's Note: Hi guys! I hope you liked these two chapters, and their wholesome endings. I have exciting news! Well, it's exciting and kinda sad. Tomorrow is going to be the last day of this lovely story. I actually got it to the 100 chapter mark that I was planning on. I'm really happy that you all stuck this story out with me. It was so much fun to write, and these characters will always have a place in my heart. Since you guys have shown my story so much love, I'm going to give you all a treat tomorrow ;)

Thank you for all the votes and comments! I'll see you all tomorrow with the final conclusion to this story!


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