Chapter 31

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A month. Niko had a month to prove himself. A part of him was wondering why he was even bothering with this silly game that was being played. He never worked so hard to get someone. But, then again, there was never someone he had wanted as much as Solomon. And none of them had put up this big of a fight.

He was sure that Solomon would have walked out right when he answered that question. He could have easily lied to him and left it at that. But there was something about that tone of his that made him hesitate. For some reason, he had wanted to tell him the truth. He had never once admitted to someone just how much he had gotten around, or how long they typically lasted. Some women just knew, some didn't. Some of them thought that they would be the ones to stay with him. Others simply just wanted him for sex anyway, just like he did with them.

He really wasn't sure what Solomon was going to do when he started talking about it. But that was when he was absolutely sure that he did want to take things further with this man. He had never wanted to before. There was never a point in his life where he wanted to settle down with one person. But, for some reason, he truly did with Solomon. He had no clue why, but his answer might have helped him solve that mystery just a little bit.

"Alright," Solomon had told him. "You have a month, then, to prove to me that this isn't just going to be a fling."

Out of all the scenarios he was imagining in his head, Niko could not have conjured that up. Those hazel eyes looked serious. He wasn't joking around about this.

And he wasn't going to walk out at this.

Niko took that challenge. For some reason, it only made him want the man more. Everything the man did or said threw him off guard. He was the absolute opposite of everything he expected the man to be.

"So," Solomon interrupted his thoughts. Surprisingly, they were still at breakfast. "Tell me about Courtney, since you seem to remember her now."

"She's the daughter of a small business owner," Niko explained. "And she likes to think that she's the main reason why her father has made so many deals with other companies."

"Ew," Solomon's face twisted into disgust. "You mean she sleeps around that much?"

"I don't know much about her personal life," Niko chuckled. It was funny seeing his face like that. "I just know that she thinks that she's the reason why my company made a deal with his."

"I was wondering why she was making out with at least three guys at that party," Solomon shook his head.

"She was making out with three different guys?" Niko looked at him in shock. "And she still told you that I was hers?"

"Yeah," Solomon nodded. "You really hooked a crazy one there."

He never really paid mind to her throughout the party. He had learned that once he did, she would immediately notice and go over to him. That thought left him a little disgusted too, though. Sure, Niko got around a lot, but he was never one to do something like that. He never tried to date multiple at the same time. That was too much work.

Solomon's laugh got him out of his thoughts again. He liked to hear the man laugh. It had such a carefree sound to it, like all the worries and stresses were just being lifted off his shoulders.

"Your face is priceless," he explained.

He smiled. He liked making Solomon laugh, even if it was just at his reactions. He let the conversation die for a little bit as they got a refill on their drinks. Both of them had already finished their food, but Niko was dying to keep this date going.

"So," he rested his elbows on the table and leaned in. "Since you asked about my previous relationships, does that mean I get to ask about yours?"

"I guess that makes it fair," Solomon had an amused look on his face. "I've had three: one in high school, one when I was in trade school, and then the one that I married."

"Hold on," Niko stopped him. "You're telling me that you've only had three relationships, in your whole life?!"

How he didn't walk out on him was absolutely astounding.

"They lasted pretty long," Solomon said. "The guy I was with in high school, though, was a drama queen. Why I stayed with him for so long, I still don't know."

"How old are you?"


"You mean to tell me, that you're twenty-eight, and you've only had three relationships?!"

"I've met twenty-eight-year-old virgins too," Solomon put a hand to the side of his mouth and whispered. He had a playful look to him that Niko loved to see. "I'm not the rarest out there, you know."

He didn't know how he did it, though. Niko would get bored so quickly of all the women he was with. There was always something new or exciting out there for him to try. That's why he was quick to end relationships just as he was quick to start one.

Yet Solomon was able to stay interested in them long enough to be with them for years.

Then again, if Niko had met someone like Solomon a long time ago, he might have considered making it last years as well. He didn't think he could ever bore of the man.

"You didn't date anyone after your husband?"

"Nope," Solomon looked up at him from his tea. "You'd be the first one since then."

"Well," he put his hand on his heart and gave him a playful look. "Don't I feel special."

"You should," Solomon's smile was contagious. "That being said, I'm kind of just getting back to the dating scene. So, I may be new to some of this."

"New is good," Niko said. "It's good to change things up in life every now and then. That's what makes it fun."

"I should probably get going," Solomon said. "There's still some things I need to do today."

Niko looked at the time. It was already ten. The time always seemed to fly away when he was with the man. This had definitely been one hell of a first date, though.

"Let me take you out again sometime," Niko said. He motioned for the waiter to bring them the check. "I still have a lot to prove."

"Okay," Solomon said as they waited for the check. "When?"

He wished he could just say tomorrow. He wanted to see Solomon every day if he could. But there was no chance of him getting the man to agree on that. He probably had work. And he always talked about that sister of his.

"When are you free?"

"How about Friday?" Solomon asked.

"Sounds good to me." Dang. He was going to have to wait a whole week. "I'll send you the address. We could do it at seven, unless you have other plans."

"Seven sounds like a good time to have dinner," Solomon smiled. They both got up when he paid for the check and Niko walked him to his car.

He wished he could kiss him. Every time he saw the man lean against his car like he was, he thought back to the night when he almost captured those lips. He wanted to know how they felt on his.

But that was going to have to wait.

They parted ways again and Niko was left with nothing but mixed emotions. There was so much to process from the couple hours that they had talked. He was overwhelmed and excited at the same time. A part of him was absolutely terrified at the moment. Not because of work or his father, or even what had happened on the date that he was just leaving from.

It was because he was actually falling for this guy.

He was actually falling in love with him.

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