Chapter 95

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"They're going to be living with each other."

"Mm hmm."

"And Niko already has a room for Maya."


"And Solomon agreed to let Niko pay for his rent?"

"Did not think that was possible," Will smiled. "But yeah."

"And Jay's going to be there too," Benny was walking back and forth again by the television. They had decided to stop with their paperwork for the day and try to assess the situation that they were in now. And Benny was looking more and more excited with each step that he took.

"It's so cute!" Suzy put a hand to her heart. "They're all going to be one big, happy family!"

"It's a little different from usual families," Justin smiled. "But I like it." He had really underestimated these two. As much as he disliked Niko at first, the changed Niko was a lot better. He was the perfect partner. The kind that Justin could only wish that he had when he was a human.

"Family is where the heart is," Will said.

"I thought that was home?" Justin asked.

"Same thing," Will shrugged. "Family is what makes a house a home, after all."

"Unless you're a recluse," Sarah mentioned. "I didn't really talk to my family that much when I was a human."

"Aww!" Suzy looked at her. "Why Dear?"

"Let's just say I was still trying to figure myself out," Sarah said. "I was pretty young when I passed too. And, a lot of times it's hard to keep up with family and friends when you're still trying to make it as a young adult."

"The twenties are hard for everyone," Justin sighed. That was only a time of turmoil for him. He was glad to be up here instead of on earth at the moment.

"Life always has its ups and downs," Lee said. "That's why you have to enjoy the good times while they last. And appreciate the good things you have when the bad times come."

"I was just a bit antisocial," Sarah explained. "I had to go through college to get out of my bubble."

"Jeez," Benny shook his head. "I can't imagine you being antisocial."

"That's like trying to imagine Will being antisocial," Justin shook his head.

"Were you ever that way Will?" Benny asked.

"Nope," Will smiled. "I was a socialite from the moment I was born. My mother swore up and down that I was meant to be a politician or something."

"Did you ever do anything political?"

"Oh no," Will shook his head. "If there's one thing you don't talk about with people, it's politics. That and I much preferred the 9-5 desk job and the parties that happened on the weekends. Those were always a blast to go to."

"Heh," Sarah shook her head. "Figures you'd be the partier. If you weren't from the 1920s, I'd say that you would have been a frat boy."

"I didn't have the muscles for that," Will winked at her.

"Niko, I'm fine," Solomon's voice came from the TV. "I don't need you to do everything for me."

"And what if I want to do everything for you?" Niko asked. They were in Niko's room at the moment. They had grabbed as many things as they would need to live over there for the time being, and it looked like they had just settled in.

"They're so cute!" Benny fell into a seat. "I'm going to die from how adorable they are."

"Technically, you wouldn't be able to die," Justin teased.

Impress Me Not: The HandymanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora