Chapter 97

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"Please stay longer?" Niko asked him. He hugged him from behind.

"What?" Solomon smirked. "So you can try and do everything for me all the time?" He was finally able to stand on his own, although his foot required him to use crutches. The doctor told him that he still needed to take it easy, and no heavy lifting, but his back had healed enough to be alright to stand up again. The pain from it was finally over.

"I might be able to ease up a little on that," Niko kissed his shoulder. He was enjoying just being able to lean back into that hold all too much.

"A little?" he teased.

"Just a little," he felt the man smile on his shoulder. Maya had gone to her friends for the weekend, just to get some time away, and Jay was at day care at the moment. It was a fieldtrip day for him. Solomon had no idea that daycares did something like that, but he was glad for it. Him and Niko finally had some time together.

"Hmm," he held onto his arms. "I don't know. I might need some convincing." It had been so long since they had been able to hold each other like this. Solomon missed it.

"I could do that," he told him. One of those hands were already starting to tease his pant line. The other one held him perfectly in place against his chest.

Before they were able to move an inch towards the bedroom, the doorbell rang. Both of them groaned in unison. So much for finally having time together. At this point he felt like they never would again.

"I'll get it," Niko kissed his cheek. "You sit down."

He did as he was told and plopped down on the couch that was there. Even with all the chaos of Jay and Maya being there, the place was still spotless. Solomon guessed that Niko was paying to have to maids clean more than they usually did.

He always thought that rooms like these were designed for style only. Everything was sleek and expensive, with light colors to make the room more modern. But Niko must have found the best place to buy furniture, because Solomon could sink in the couch and feel like he was in heaven.

The couch that he had back at his condo was old and lumpy. He was planning on getting a new one as soon as he was finally able to save up some money. Right now, the money that he was getting from work he was saving up to pay Niko back. There was no way he was just going to let the man pay for his rent again without at least letting Solomon pay him back. It didn't matter how rich he was, that was just the right thing to do.

"He's right in here," he heard Niko say.

Great. Another visitor. Solomon swore that if it was Brittany, he was going to kill that woman. She had been annoying him so much lately about how Jessy is completely off in her own world now. The woman finally found some kind of love and Brittany had to find some way to complain about it.

"Ira?" he looked to see the old man walking into the room. "What are you doing here?"

"I just needed to talk to you," Ira said, his eyes glaring at Niko like they always did. "Just some extra paperwork for Maya's case."

"Oh, she's not here right now," he told him. "She's gone on a sleepover with her friends for the weekend." She had been working so hard lately, and Solomon knew how stressed she must have been. She deserved some kind of fun. She may be just a year away from eighteen, but she was still a kid. And Solomon would always see her as one.

Until she had her own kids.

Oh, that was going to be weird to see.

"That's alright," Ira waved it off. "These are papers that I need to talk to the legal guardian about." Then he looked at Niko. "Confidentially, of course."

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