Chapter 80

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"I'm so sorry," Solomon said. "I wasn't thinking. I just got lost in thought and the music changed and I couldn't get it to stop and-!"

"Solomon," Angel put a hand on his shoulder. "It's okay. The point was that it still turned out alright."

"I'm so glad it did," he sighed. That was the first time he had done something like that on stage. He had been so used to just messing around on it at home that he let his thoughts carry the song on rather than keeping it the way it was supposed to be.

"Next time, just give me a warning," Angel put his violin back in its case. "You're lucky I'm good at improvising."


"You should stop saying that," Angel told him. "If anything, I think that made the song better."

"Really?" he wasn't sure. He was still thinking about the fact that Niko was there. He probably should be running out of there at the moment. But he wanted to see him. He wanted to talk about this and get this all sorted out. He probably should have let him talk when it first happened. But he just didn't know what to think when he saw that. Who would think that it was just one-sided when they saw their boyfriend kiss someone?

"Really," Angel smiled at him. "I had a feeling that the song was missing something. That was the perfect piece."

"I hope you're right," he told him.

"We'll have to see what the judges think of it in a week," Angel said. "I'm just happy to be here, though. This was a lot of fun."

"Thanks for convincing me to come back and do it."

"I wasn't trying to make you feel guilty for not wanting to perform," Angel told him.

"You didn't." Solomon smiled. "But you did help. Thanks."

"Hey! Hey! Hey!"

Oh no.

Solomon recognized that voice.

"Look, I'm with one of the stage hands!" Riko's voice boomed from outside the door. Solomon had no idea why he was even here. Did he come with Niko? Riko never struck him as the type of guy who liked classical music.

"I'm going to go outside and get some fresh air," Solomon told Angel. He nodded, staring at the door that Riko's voice was still coming through. Whoever was by that door was sure giving him a hard time.

Solomon had no idea why he was trying to come in through the inside door. That would mean that he would have had to go through the backstage area.

And how he got away with that, Solomon had no clue.

The night air was cool. It seemed like a little bit of fall was finally settling in. Knowing how the weather was there, though, there were still going to be plenty of hot days ahead of them.

It made nights like these all the more sweeter.

"Okay," he heard Riko's voice from a different place now. Now it seemed like he was outside. "Time for Plan B."

"Your plan B, or my plan B?" another voice asked.

He recognized that voice too. And it made his heart skip.

"Your plan B?" Riko asked. "You have a plan B?"

"Kind of. I'm not going to say it until I absolutely have to."

"Ah, so it's a last resort type of thing?"

"Yeah. Now what's your plan B?"

"Infiltrating through the outside," Riko sounded like he was all too proud of coming up with that plan.

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