Chapter 42

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"Everybody!" Will shouted through a megaphone. "This is a pink alert! Get Justin!"

Don't ask about the megaphone. When your bored and stuck with just one assignment and nothing to do, you tend to do some crazy things.

At the moment though, they were absolutely giddy. They just had to show Justin. He wasn't going to believe this! His eyes were going to fall out of his sockets! Oh, the man was going to be absolutely, positively, unforgettably, shocked!

"What's the megaphone for?" Lee walked in.

"Shhhh!" Benny said. "Not for you. We're trying to get Justin in here."

"Why couldn't you guys just go and get him?" Lee looked at them with a playful smile. They were on a roll as far as craziness went, and Will was enjoying it.

"Because," Will put a finger in the air. "We need to guard the TV."

"If anyone messes with it, we'll have to try and find the perfect time to rewind it all over again," Benny said.

"Exactly," Will smiled. "Therefore," he cleared his throat and put the megaphone up to his mouth again. "Code Pink everybody! We need Justin!"

"What the Hell is going on?" Sarah walked in. Benny and Will groaned.

"No," Benny whined. "Not you, Justin!"

"Why does this thing seem to get everyone's attention except for the one we want?" Will looked at the device and hit it a few times.

"Did you ever think that he might be out on a mission?" Sarah asked. "And the bosses are going to get mad if you keep causing a scene."

"Wait," Lee looked at the screen. "Is that what I think it is?"

"No!" Benny went in front of the screen and blocked it with his arms. "No one gets to see this until we get Justin!"

"This has got to be the craziest I've seen you two get," Sarah laughed. "I'll go get him."

"Thank you, oh valiant one!" Will changed his voice to sound like an old Shakespeare play. "Go find the lost treasure that is our young and foolish friend!"

"Oh, so I'm the one who's foolish?" Justin came in the breakroom just before Sarah could open the door herself. "These are the ones who are yelling and causing a scene all throughout the halls. Do you know how pissed off the bosses are going to get?"

"Justin!" Will still kept his same dramatic voice that he was using for Sarah. "I'm so glad we found you! We thought you had been slayed by the beast, whilst trying to save a prince from his imprisonment!"

"Yes, I'm gay, we get it," Justin rolled his mint green eyes. "Now can you tell me what this code pink thing is?"

"We just made it up," Benny explained. He ran over to him excitedly and ushered him over to the couch.

"Oh, great," Justin groaned. "Why did you go through all of this chaos just to find me? What if I was in a meeting or something? Or, I don't know, NOT in headquarters?! I have a job to do, you know!"

"That may be so," Will said, his voice returning to normal. "But you also have a bet! And I get to make all of you eat your words!"

"This is about Niko again?" he raised an eyebrow. "Oh, this is going to be great."

"Besides," Will told him. "No one has meetings right now. And, technically, you should be having your break. So, this was the perfect time to cause a scene like this."

"You know when my breaks are?"

"Everyone has relatively the same breaks," Will told him.

"Oh, just get on with this!" Justin crossed his arms. "I'm missing my lunch!"

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