Chapter 77

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The breakroom was silent. There was nothing they could do but wait until Will came back. There was no way that Benny was going to go anywhere near that office. The boss scared him so much. After he had gotten screamed at for all of his failed cases, he never wished to go to that office again.

Lee and Suzy were some of the best cupids in the department, but not even they were as brave as Will was. It's not every day that a cupid personally delivers a request form like that. It goes through a system where other cupids will look at it first. If they agree that the request form should be honored, they'll bring it up to the boss. It was rare for the Cupid filling out the form to give it to Eros themselves.

He was going to get in so much trouble. Right when they were this close to getting on good terms with everyone. If only this case had gone well. They wouldn't have to be watched anymore and they would be back to their regular cases. Sure, there would be some talk from peers about them actually succeeding in a Last Chance case, but the best thing that would come from this would be them finally out of the dog house with their superiors.

And yet, with all that being said, Benny also really wanted these two to be together. This would be his first true love case, and he didn't even realize it until they had broken up. How could he be so stupid?! How could he not have known? They sure did hide it well at first. But it explained why they kept coming back to each other.

He just hoped they could still come back to each other. Right now, it seemed like both of their hearts were broken. Niko looked like he wanted to try, but there was no telling what would happen. It would be a toss-up, whether Solomon wanted to believe him or not. And they were cupids! This was kinda supposed to be their job!

Ugh. He hated Last Chance cases. Probably even more so than Young Love cases. And those were the ones he failed at the most.

"Benny," Sarah broke the silence. "Can you please sit down? You're making me nervous just watching you."

"He still hasn't come back yet," Benny paced the room once more. He felt like he could do a marathon with how much energy his nerves were giving him. What was taking him so long? Was he actually arguing with the boss? Was he getting yelled at? If so, it must not have been that bad. When the boss yells at someone, the whole department can hear it. It's never a fun experience.

"He'll come, Benny," Lee assured him. "But running around the room isn't going to make him come any faster."

Benny sighed and collapsed into one of the chairs of the breakroom. He just wanted this case to go well, dammit! Was that so bad to ask? That this case of true love, that seemed to come out of thin air, actually turned out alright? No one wanted a true love couple to break up. That was the purest form of love there was. Not even familial love compared to it.

Which is why a breakup from it hurt so bad. It could even be deadly if they weren't careful. The pain that it left behind was no laughing matter.

And with how Solomon was with Somner, Benny worried a lot about the man's mental health.

The door opened and Benny just about shot up from his seat. He looked at his partners face, expecting something. Some kind of sign that they would finally be able to go down there and help fix this mess that these two brought upon themselves. Those brown eyes were always so hopeful about everything, they were always there to help him see the bright side of things.

Now they just looked sad.

"What happened?" Benny asked. A part of him didn't want to know. If Will looked this sad and stressed, then it only meant bad things.

They rest of them were looking over at him too. They were all expecting a good answer from him. After all, Eros would never want a true love case to get ruined.

Impress Me Not: The HandymanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora