Chapter 81

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"Nothing and no one ever compares to you, Solomon," Niko said through the television screen.

"You think he's going to accept it?" Benny asked Will. Both of them were leaned into the TV, watching and hoping. Sarah was the only one of their friends who were there at the moment. The other three were all down there on other missions.

"Shh!" Sarah snapped at him really quick. There was no time to talk when they were moments away from seeing if this would actually work.

It sucked. Because they got to be down there where the action was, while Benny and Will had to stay back and watch from afar.

Either way, though, no one was allowed to push Solomon and Niko into each other again. The boss had made that pretty clear after he talked to Will. He didn't want any cupid or anticupid meddling in the affairs of these two, even if it was for a good cause.

Will honestly didn't know if these two were going to make it. The past week was a struggle for the both of them as they barely got through it all. All Will could do was hope and pray that true love would save the day in the end.

For someone with a closed heart, Angel sure loved to help Niko out with his relationship problem. Even though they didn't know everything about each other, those two were really good friends. It showed that you didn't have to know everything about the person to be close with them. And, since Niko didn't really have many true friends, it was nice to see the few of them all come together to help him.

Angel and Riko really did a good job. With Riko slandering Courtney's name all over media, she got her karma really quick. Although Will was sure that the anticupids would deal with her next. He was excited to see that case in the near future.

They all thought it was over when Angel pulled out those photos for Solomon to see. The guy looked so upset when he looked through them. He looked lost as he tried to make sense of it all. Angel could have easily lost Solomon as a friend and partner in the competition. But he didn't. It seemed that Solomon was willing to take Niko back. There was at least some room to listen in that pained heart of his.

The performance was amazing as well. It was amazing to watch those two perform together. Lee had told Will before just how great of a violinist Angel was. Unfortunately, he never had a chance to hear him play until now.

When Solomon found Niko in the crowd, it was magical. Will had never seen such a loving look from Niko. It was straight out of a movie, and he couldn't help but shed a tear when he saw it. That was another thing that gave him hope.

But was this going to work out? He knew that the boss told him they had natural love, that needed to be solved on its own. But these two had already gone through so much. It was just like Solomon had said: he didn't want to hurt anymore. Will didn't want that either. That was why he picked him to be with Niko. They were absolutely perfect for each other in a way that Will just couldn't describe until recently.

Not being able to do anything about their breakup was absolutely the most horrible thing he had ever had to deal with. In all of his cases, he was never allowed to simply sit back and watch from afar. Usually, they had to be with the couple for the entire six months to make sure that everything went well. Last Chance cases were the opposite of that. They were the most difficult cases because they had to leave it up to nature to see if the couple would work, rather than helping the couple out.

Will had to say that it had been fun watching Solomon and Niko from behind the scenes. There was nothing more exciting than seeing the two meet up again and flirt for the first time. It had been fun watching them grow to love each other. They truly worked well together. They just fit together like puzzle pieces. It made him wish that they had found each other earlier. That could have solved this problem long before it got really bad with Niko.

But that was why they all were hoping that these two would make it through this. Out of everything they both had gone through in their lives, they both deserved to be happy. Especially since Niko had finally learned what true happiness was.

The screen seemed like it was frozen for a second. Solomon looked at Niko with glossy eyes after he heard what he had said. They both stood there in silence. With how sad they both looked, he wouldn't be surprised if it didn't start raining right then and there. Florida had the perfect weather for a moody scene like this. But not even the sporadic rain decided to come down on this parade.

Would he actually forgive him? Would he give him another chance? Was this thing still on? A thousand questions zoomed through his mind as they all held their breath for Solomon's response.

Solomon kissed him! Solomon actually kissed him!

"Yes!" Benny jumped up in the air. "He did it!"

Will didn't have any words. He just hugged Benny. This had to be the most stressful mission he had been on. But it was all worth it just to see those two back together.

"You know," Sarah smiled and leaned back into the couch. "Even though I'm definitely going to lose that bet now, I'd still say the money was well spent."

"Why do you say that?"

"This is better than any movie or reality TV show I've ever watched," she grabbed a handful of popcorn. "I really hope you guys have more of these exciting cases."

"I'm just so glad they're together again!" Benny cheered. "I'm so happy, I might actually start dancing!"

"I have the perfect idea!" Will's face practically broke in two with how big that smile of his was. "We should throw a party to celebrate!"

"Shouldn't we wait for Justin and all of them to come back?" Sarah asked. She had to practically scream as Will was already running towards the kitchen. "We can't just have a party with the three of us!"

"Oh no," Will popped his head back in. "It won't just be the three of us. And it'll last longer than it'll take the rest of them to come back."

There were a lot of cupids and anticupids that had been keeping their eye on this case. In the beginning, when they were first watching these two in the breakroom, there were so many that would go up to them to ask what case they were watching. And Will got quite a lot of people to bet on it. He was sure that they'd all enjoy a bit of a celebration, especially if it was about the lovebirds getting back together.

That and cupids absolutely loved to party.

"We'll just have to make some room," Will came back with some chocolate that the kitchen already had. "And we'll need music, and decoration, and-!"

"Will," Sarah stopped him. "I absolutely love you, but you need to calm down! We have all the time in the world!"

"Not with this!" Will told her. "Don't you see, Sarah? They actually got back together! This needs to be celebrated!"

"Does this mean we get to pull out the champagne?" Benny asked. He looked like he was all for helping him set up.

"Of course, it does!" Will told him. "This is when we pull out all of it! It's not too often you see a true love case like this one, after all!"

Sarah just shook her head. These two were going to do their own thing, no matter what. It made her jealous sometimes, with just how carefree they could be. But, she was happy for them, nonetheless.

She unmuted the TV and continued to watch the couple as Will and Benny set up. She would be the first to let them know if they were missing something. And, judging by the look on Niko's face, it seemed like it was going to be soon.

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