Chapter 67

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"Ah, yes," Justin said. "The many hurdles that comes with being in a relationship with the infamous Niko."

"At least that was resolved quickly," Suzy said. She had finally come in from her case. It was fun filling her in on everything that had happened. Benny and Will had even rewound some of the footage to show everyone what had happened on the beach.

Will's favorite part was when they were in the kitchen and Solomon threatened Niko with a spoon. He hadn't seen Solomon act like that before then. It seemed like Niko was really bringing back the old him, and in a good way. But it wasn't just Solomon that was changing. Niko seemed much calmer and happier than before too. He probably didn't even realize just how miserable he was until he started trying to change his ways.

When Benny talked with him about it, one of the many times that they were alone, he brought up a good point. He told him that he could have just masked the loneliness with boredom. That, and Niko had always lived the life of a loner. It was great seeing just how much he enjoyed Solomon's company. He was the only one who's presence he enjoyed being around all the time.

"I don't think it was resolved too quickly," Sarah argued. She had seemed a little cautious about the two lately. Will was glad when she seemed happy with the two lovebirds. But there was always a hint of worry in her eyes. "I mean, did you hear him talk to Maya about it?"

"But Niko apologized," Benny said. "He even told Solomon that he didn't tell Matilda about the two of them until today! How can that not be resolved?"

"Okay," Sarah put her hands up. "Let's pretend that we aren't from opposite departments for a second. All bets are off," then she pointed towards the screen. "I don't like the look that Solomon has been getting lately."

"The look?" Leo asked. "What look?"

"A really sad look," Sarah actually looked worried at the screen. "I haven't dealt with the cases that involved finding people new love, or even rekindling love, but I know what a face of worry looks like."

"Maybe he knows that this isn't going to end well," Justin crossed his arms. "Once a douchebag, always a douchebag."

"What do you think, Will?" Suzy looked to him. "You seem to know Solomon the most out of any of us right now."

"I think," he looked at the screen, studying the eyes that Sarah had paused on. "I think that his own insecurities are coming out."

"Uh oh," Leo shook his head. "That's not good."

"What do you mean?" Benny asked. "I mean, everyone has their own insecurities, but why is that such a big issue right now?"

"Yeah," Justin said. "Besides, Niko's the problem here, not Solomon."

"Actually, that would be where you're wrong," Will looked at Justin. "As much as Niko has his faults, he's not going to be the one to push him away if anything happens. As much as he causes hurdles in their relationship, so does Solomon."


"It's been a while since he's been in a relationship in general," Will told them all. "He could feel insecure about that, or he could go back to not feeling worthy of being loved again, just like he was at the start of this all. The hurdle with Matilda has basically been resolved. Niko telling the truth to both of them helped squash down all of the issue's that were bound to come up. Now Solomon just has to make sure that he doesn't drown himself in his own doubts."

"He really has turned into a truthful man," Suzy smiled. "It's quite becoming of him."

"Oh, he's always been pretty truthful," Lee said. "I mean, sure, he lied to Matilda a few times, but he never lied when it came to business, and he never lied to his parents. Even when they confronted him about Solomon at the very start of this."

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