Chapter 68

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He had been nervous ever since Matilda had invited them to dinner earlier that day. That was why he was quick to get ready and head over to Solomon's. If it weren't for a call from work that demanded his attention, he would have been there before Solomon even came back from picking Maya up.

That man was the only thing that could calm him down, he swore. He felt guilty that he didn't tell Matilda about the man sooner. Now that he already saw her reaction, it felt silly that he would hold back on telling her. He wanted to talk about Solomon more. He meant so much to him. But he just didn't have many people to talk to in general. And there was no way he was going to talk about it at work. Not when there were so many people gossiping. He didn't need some dumb rumor to spread.

He was glad that Solomon wasn't mad at him. He could handle Matilda's wrath, but not his. Laying down on that bed with him before leaving for dinner just melted all of his worries away.

"What am I going to do with you?" Solomon had combed through his hair so soothingly. Niko never wanted the moment to end.

"Love me forever," he all but hummed to himself. He wanted this to last forever. It was complete bliss being in his hold.

"Forever?" Solomon had all but froze when he said that. Niko looked to see that there were some tears on the verge of leaving his eyes. He lifted himself up to where Solomon's face was and leaned in close to him.

"Forever," Niko smiled. He captured those lips just like all the other nights before. No matter how many times he kissed him, the feeling never went away. It had the same spark to it that their first kiss had. Niko finally felt the man melt into him.

"That's a long time, Niko," Solomon said when they finally broke the kiss. Knowing Maya, it was probably going to be a while before they were going to leave for the dinner anyway.

"I want to be with you for a long time," he started kissing his neck. Everything about him was addicting. "What's wrong, baby? You seem a little down today."

"Nothing," Solomon sighed. He held onto him, rubbing his back. "I was just overthinking."

"Was it about me?"

"No," he shook his head a little. His hold seemed to tighten the more they talked about it. "Don't worry about it."

Now he was worried.

Niko stopped his kissing to look at Solomon again. Those hazel eyes were sad about something. Something that was being kept a secret to him. They desperately tried to cling to him for some kind of comfort. But how could he comfort him if he didn't know what was wrong?

"Solomon," he kept his voice low. "Please tell me."

"It's nothing, Niko," Solomon shook his head. "Just something small that I kept thinking about until it made me sad."

"What was it?" he wrapped his arms around his back as he spoke.

"It was about Maya," Solomon gave in. "I was just thinking about her."

"What about her?" did something happen at that school of hers? Niko knew just how worried Solomon was about his sister. It was kind of cute watching him fuss over her in the morning.

"She's turning seventeen soon," Solomon told him.

"Really? That's great!"

"It is," he smiled a bit. "I've already started to get the party all planned out for her and everything..." his voice trailed off.

"Why are you sad about that?"

"I'm not sad about the party," he shook his head. "I'm just..."

"You're just what?" Niko started rubbing his sides. "What's wrong?"

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