Chapter 51

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He could barely focus on work. Everything that he was flying through was due to the autopilot that he had learned from when he was younger. All this paperwork was easy, and the phone calls were a sinch anyway.

But Niko had a bad feeling about that day. He hadn't heard from Solomon that morning. A part of him was thinking that it was because he didn't text him that much the day before, but Solomon had told him that he was hanging out with some friends of his. And Niko didn't really want to bother him.

He had taken the day to hang out with Jay a little bit. It was awkward with Clay there. He didn't exactly trust that he was doing it because he wanted to try and be a better father. He didn't blame Clay. He hadn't exactly shown him that he was willing to try for the few years that Clay had known him.

He spent the day with all three of them. He was used to all the weird feelings that came with these kinds of outings. But Jay was happy at least. He got him a bunch of clothes and a few other things that he needed. He had planned with Matilda when to bring him to the doctor to see about going to a specialist. He knew that he had gotten a lot of ear infections as a child, but it was never as much as Jay had gotten over the past couple of years.

The doctor did warn them that it could make him lose hearing if it kept up. The poor boy didn't even know how to swim yet, and he was still getting these infections.

It was an awkward day, and he couldn't say that he completely liked it. But these things never started out fun. Especially not with all of the mistakes that he had made before. It was nice seeing Jay happy, so he guessed he could handle it.

But that wasn't his greatest concern. That was at least making progress. Solomon had always texted him or called him every morning. It had quickly become a habit of theirs that they shared together. But this morning he never replied.

Was Niko blowing things out of proportions? Maybe he was just busy with work. The days were still hot so AC units could still be breaking down a lot. That or he could be dealing with something with his sister. Although, Niko was sure that he would have at least sent him one text if that were the case.

What if he scared him off? What if he hadn't wanted to kiss him like that? It sure didn't feel like he didn't want it, but he could get cold feet for all Niko knew. He couldn't have that happen. Not after he just realized that he loved the man. This was all so new to him, and while a part of him was scared of it, he was happy to finally find someone who could make him feel this way.

Another missed phone call. Great. So much for his great autopilot skills. Niko really couldn't focus today. His nerves were up the roof as he thought about Solomon. He felt like he was being clingy at this point, waiting on just a simple text from him. But he just couldn't shake this feeling.

"Mr. Bennet?" his assistant walked into the office.

"Yes, Frita?"

"There are a few companies that are saying that they can't get ahold of you," she told him. "Shall I tell them to call back another time?"

Niko sighed. This was just going to get worse the more he tried to keep going.

"Yes," he told her. "Schedule a time with them tomorrow, just so they know that I'll be right at the phone to answer it."

"Right away, sir," she said. She was about to walk out when he stopped her.

"Frita, I need you to cancel all my appointments today," he stood up and grabbed his coat. "If anyone else calls tell them that I've been called to deal with an emergency and schedule an appointment over the phone like the rest." He grabbed some of his papers from his office, just in case he actually felt like doing it. "Oh, and tell Angel that I won't be able to have lunch with him today."

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