Chapter 74

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"See?!" Justin pointed at the screen. "It's just like I said: once a douchebag, always a douchebag."

"I knew she was going to come back," Sarah shook her head. "She's a true homewrecker."

They were all sitting in front of the TV, trying to figure out what had happened. Will was the one in control of the recording. He was rewinding and pausing all over the place. They didn't exactly know why, but no one seemed to have the guts to ask him. Those chocolate eyes had never been so focused.

"But it wasn't even Niko's fault!" Benny yelled. "This can't be how this ends! Courtney totally forced that just to get on the papers!"

"No," Suzy leaned in. "Look," she pointed at the screen when Will paused it on her face. "I think she saw Solomon watching them."

"So, she did it to get back at Solomon?" Sarah asked. There was so much that had happened here, none of them could make heads or tails of it all. "That seems a little too extreme for someone she only met at a dinner party."

"She was looking at Niko a lot that party," Benny said. "And you even said that she looked really pissed after what Solomon said to her."

"I guess you have a point."

"That can't be the only reason," Lee said. He looked just as focused as Will at the moment. "She had been vying for Niko's attention way before he even met Solomon."

"Then it could be both," Benny said. "It could be that she wanted to get revenge on Solomon, and get on the front page of those magazines."

"Poor Solomon," Suzy put her hand to her heart. "He looks so heart broken."

"I saw this coming a mile away," Justin crossed his arms. "This was only going to end one way, and that was bad."

"But Niko didn't even kiss her!" Benny argued. "She was the one who forced that!"

"You can't say that he didn't kiss her back," Justin rolled his eyes. "He was going to do it eventually. I was just hoping it would be before he got too close to Solomon. Now it's going to be a whole mess. At least his case will be in our department though," he rubbed his hands together. "And revenge is going to be sweet."

"Justin," Lee put a hand on his shoulder. "I think you're taking this too personally. Whoever it was that hurt you, they aren't Niko. And Niko isn't that person. If you want to be able to continue doing your best on your cases, you're going to have to learn how to take yourself out of the equation."

"What are you talking about?" Justin said. "He's a douchebag! He deserved this!"

"Did he really?" Lee asked. "This whole time that we've been watching him, he hasn't done anything wrong. He might have invited Solomon over to Matilda's house without asking, but, other than that, he's been nothing but a gentleman."

"And a gentleman kisses a woman when they already have someone?" Justin raised an eyebrow at him. "I can't believe you guys are arguing against me right now!"

"He didn't kiss her, Justin," Will finally spoke. His voice was low but clear. Everyone turned to him. But the brunette kept his eyes fixed to the screen. "Look."

He played back what had happened. Through all the camera's flashing and people talking, it was hard to really analyze the scene. But Will had zoomed in at the perfect angle where the flashes weren't hiding the two. Then he muted the scene just so they wouldn't be distracted by the sound. It was only Niko and Courtney at that angle. She had her arm tucked into his as they were walking out. She must have thought she was so sly when she looked in the direction of Solomon. But it was as clear as daylight what her intentions were as soon as she turned her head back to the paparazzi.

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