Chapter 85

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He woke up with a headache. Niko hadn't gotten a hangover in a long while. He hadn't really been drinking in a while. But it wasn't that bad. He hadn't drunk too much. All he would need is some water and an aspirin and he would be fine. Something to eat wouldn't be too bad of an idea. That was the best way to get over a hangover.

Niko opened his eyes to see that he was in Solomon's room. They had wound up there by the end of the night. He was curled into Niko's arms, his face nestled into his chest. He missed this closeness all too much. It only made him wish that he could stay laying on this bed forever with him. When Solomon was gone, he could barely get any sleep at all. He tossed and turned all night. It just didn't feel right not having him in his arms.

He smiled and started petting his hair. He would do anything to make sure that this man would stay in his arms for the rest of his life. He had really been the best thing in his life. He didn't know what happiness was until he met Solomon.

Solomon groaned as he slowly started to wake up, burying his face deeper into Niko. It was cute seeing him like this. He was sure that Solomon had a hangover. There was no way he didn't with how much he had drunk last night. It was funny seeing him get that drunk. Niko thought that he would be freaky or something, but he was really just a cuddler when he was drunk.

It was adorable.

"Morning sunshine," Niko whispered into Solomon's ear. Solomon groaned again, but he saw a hint of a smile on the part of his face that wasn't hidden.

"Morning," he mumbled. His arms tightened as he realized that Niko was here. They had both gotten clingy after what they had gone through.

He was content with just laying there. They could just sleep the day away. It wouldn't matter to him. He had a lot of sleep to make up for anyway. And Solomon was the best medicine he could imagine.

He was already planning on calling off for the week ahead. With how much work he had done the past two weeks, he needed a break. He was sure that his assistant felt the same way too. She looked so tired the last time he saw her. She had been so worried about him when he had disappeared those two days. He remembered coming back to the office and she had this look of relief on her face. She asked him if he was okay, but he really didn't know how to respond to that at the moment. He just told her that he was alive and got to work. He didn't want to tell her his whole life's story.

They definitely needed at least a week off. Niko wasn't sure if Solomon would be willing to take time off, but he didn't care. He'd just relax during the day time and be right there when Solomon came home. Maybe he would buy him lunch when he was on break or something.

Of course, if he could take the week off, that would be great. Then he could just spend all of it with him until Maya got off school. Maybe he could do something with Jay this week though. He had told Matilda that he wouldn't be able to hang out with him this weekend due to all the events that were going on. Maybe he would go and hang out with him sometime during the week and get him out of the house.

Solomon eventually started to squirm in his hold. He stretched and tried to move away. Then he groaned and moved back into Niko.

"That bad, huh?" he joked.

"I hate hangover's," Solomon groaned. "Now I remember why I don't do bar nights too often."

"And here I was thinking it was because you had me," he kissed the top of his head.

"Shut up," he grumbled. Then he kissed Niko's chest where his face was buried in. "You still have a lot to make up for."

"I'm taking the week off from work," he told him. "So, I'll definitely have plenty of time to make it up to you."

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