Chapter 3

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He couldn't get him off his mind after that. Everything about that interview just threw him off. It wasn't every day that he met someone like him. It wasn't like he was interviewing some aristocrat or something.

Normally, he would have just left it at that. It was his loss if he didn't want the job. It's not like he was going to lose money by not having that man as a model for just a few products. He should have just let him go and be done with it. He had a lot of work to do anyway. He didn't have time to be bothering with a man who wouldn't do the simplest things for him.

But the more he thought about the man, and the more he looked at that resume that he had submitted for it, the more he was starting to realize how perfect he would be for the photo shoot. The other interviews were nothing compared to him. He had a certain look to him in his other photos that caught attention. His eyes, his waist, his body, everything was perfect for that photo shoot.

And he declined because he didn't want to cut his hair?!

He had finished his calls early and the interviews were all done for the morning, but he couldn't stop thinking about this.

There was something else that he couldn't stop thinking about. It was starting to surface more than the interview and what the man had said. That definitely left him shocked beyond belief that anyone would say that to him. But there was something else that kept popping up in his head.

Why couldn't he stop looking at his ass while he was leaving?

He had never even looked at a man that way. Only using their interest in him to his advantage if he needed to. But there was something about that man that glued him to his every move.

And he had the best ass out of all the female staff there.

Niko stood up and walked out of his office. He needed some fresh air to clear his mind. He needed someone's opinion on the model issue too. That was one of his deadlines that he had to meet by the end of the week. And no other models matched up to Solomon.

He walked just a few halls down, his normal route for his lunches. The door that he knocked on was to an old friend of his. He had been with the company since almost the very beginning. He even knew his father.

"Come in," the voice behind the door said. Niko didn't even have to walk in for him to know that it was him. "It's already lunch time?"

"Yeah," he smiled. "I swear, if it weren't for me having lunches with you, you'd never eat."

"You forget there was a time before we had lunches together," Angel continued to write on a piece of paper. His brown hair was greying ever so slightly. It was just enough for the light from the windows to catch onto and shine from.

"Are you going to stop any time soon?" Niko asked. Angel was the closest friend that he had, sadly enough. Although their ages were very different, he enjoyed their discussions. And his experience with their rather young company allowed him to give Niko advice that he needed on certain topics.

"Impatience will get you nowhere," Angel sighed. He signed the last page that he had in his pile and then put the lid back on his pen, slipping it into his shirt pocket. If there was anything that people knew about Angel, it was that he was obsessed with expensive pens. There were plenty that he had that were custom made, and the company had given him plenty in his many years of working there. He even had the first pen that the company had their logo on.

"Come on, you old man," Niko smirked at him.

"Just remember that time flies," Angel got up and they both started walking out of his office. "One second you're 32," he gestured at him. "And the next, you're 45."

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