Chapter 21

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"And you actually said yes?" Jessy laughed as she started combing through his hair.

"I don't know," Solomon made sure not to meet her eyes. "Everyone's been telling me that I need to go have fun, so I kind of figured that it might be worth a try."

"And by everyone, you mean Maya," she parted his hair a little bit to get to some of the strands under it. He was lucky enough to be able to get her to touch up his hair at her place rather than the salon. She had been in her profession long enough to get a few of the products for her apartment.

"I don't want her to be worried about me," he sighed.

"She's been getting bossier with you lately," Jessy laughed. "She's turning out to be a lot like her brother."

"I don't think I'm that bossy."

"You're pretty bossy, Solomon," Jessy combed through his hair again. "But she's always been a worry wart for as long as I've known her- just like her brother."

"It's a bad family trait, I guess," he said. It was always nice to have days like this, when he would get time off work and just hang out with her. She always had Fridays off. Sometimes she would pick up Maya for him and they'd have a shopping trip before he'd get home. Maya absolutely loved her.

"Are you really only going to this fancy party because of Maya?" She asked him, already looking skeptical.

"I just want to try something new," he shrugged. "Why are you giving me that look?"

"Because it seems pretty strange that this hot shot tries hitting on you during the interview, apologizes for it to get you to do the job, then invites you to a party," she crossed her arms. "Ever think that he's just trying to get with you?"

"It's pretty obvious, isn't it?" he laughed. "Of course, I know that's what he wants. It's not like I'm going to let him."

"Do you like him?"

"I don't know," he avoided her sharp green gaze. "Maybe a little."

"A little isn't enough for what that guy probably wants to do, Solomon," Jessy sighed and went back to doing his hair.

"Weren't you the one who was telling me to start dating again?"

"So, this is a date?"

"No, but it's probably the closest thing to it that I've had in a while."

"Just know that if he ever hurts you in any way, Brittany and I are going to have more than just a word with him."

Solomon really didn't want to think about the things that they might do. Both of them grew up in some dark neighborhoods. And while they have a difference in age, they both know how to mess someone up. Brittany's weapon of choice was always a wooden baseball bat. He's seen her break a few of those just trying to scare someone off.

"You know Jessy," Solomon changed the subject. "You're always talking about me needing a man, but I haven't seen you date anyone the entire time I've known you."

"That's because I've taken a vow of celibacy," Jessy joked. "Most of the men in my life have been nothing but assholes."

"Do I need to beat anyone up for you?"

"Oh no, honey," she assured. "They all got there's, my dad included. I just figured that I'd take a break on dating after my last ex. Then, I just never really went back."

"We could always be each other's wing man, you know," Solomon smirked at her.

"You act like you don't already have a man," Jessy smirked back.

"He's not my man," Solomon laughed. "For all he knows, I'm just a repair man."

"And a model," she started counting on her fingers, "And a pianist, and this hot guy that kinda just popped into his life."

"You've been watching too many romance movies."

"I don't watch that stuff!" she hit him lightly on the shoulder.

"You've always been a secret romantic," Solomon said. "Admit it, you want a prince charming to sweep you off your feet."

"Really, a prince charming?" she rolled her eyes. "All the princes in those movies are absolute creeps. I mean, there's one that fell in love with a fish, a man obsessed with a shoe, and even one who kissed a dead girl!"

"Then what's your type, Mrs. Celibate?" Solomon asked. The look on her face was priceless as she yanked at his hair a bit.

"You don't want to piss off the one who's doing your hair," she threatened playfully. "All it'll take is one snip," she closed her scissors to make a small metallic sound by his ear. "And you won't look all nice and beautiful for your date tonight."

"It's not a date!" he laughed as she went back to what she was doing. It wasn't so much cutting as it was simply putting hair product in it so that the curls wouldn't fray in the humidity that night.

"If it wasn't a date then you wouldn't be having me do this to your hair for it."

"It's a dinner party!" Solomon argued. "You always have to look good for a dinner party."

"You are too good at giving yourself excuses," she shook her head and stepped back from his chair to grab a mirror. "What do you think?" she handed him one of the big hand-held ones that she had.

"It's perfect!" he set the mirror down and stood to hug her. "You're the only one that can make it look this great, I swear."

"Your hair will always look great, no matter what Solomon," She hugged him back. "I just help it all stay in place."

"You should have seen it when I was in high school," he shook his head. "It was an absolute mess back then."

"I wish I could have helped it back then," she fluffed up his hair one last time. "If it wasn't for my passion for hair, mine would have probably looked like silly string. And there's no way it would have been as long as it is now."

"I'm glad it isn't," he smiled at her.

"Okay," she started getting all of her tools back in her bag. "Now I need to go have fun with Maya, and you have a party to get ready for."

"Did I mention how much I love you?"

"I love you too, babe," she laughed. "Now go and have fun."

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