Chapter 4

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The Headquarters for the cupids weren't that bad. It was an array of colors, from pink and red, to white and black. The themes were, of course, very symbolic of their work. From the statues of lovers to the paintings of hearts and stories that moved countries.

Will's favorite part, though, was the breakrooms that they had on each floor. They were the most luxurious ones that he had seen. He loved spending his breaks in those massive rooms. It had everything from sofas and TVs to kitchens that you could make anything you wanted in. He usually brought his own meals, though, just in case he was on the run for a client.

"Come on, Benny!" Will sat down on one of the couches. "You're going to miss it!"

"They aren't going to even see each other again!" he yelled from the kitchen area. "You might as well give me your breakfast now!"

"Breakfast is already over," he told him. This was one of the times that he could enjoy the comfy break room. There were plenty of cases that they could be trying to do. But, knowing how mad the boss was at them, they didn't really feel like picking up more and stretching out their workload. "And you don't know that."

"Oh please, Will!" Benny came over and sat down next to him on the couch. "It's been three days and Solomon still hasn't accepted the apology." He handed him one of the drinks that he brought from the fridge. It was always kept stocked with everything imaginable. Everything except alcohol, those were only for work parties. And there was no way they'd be invited to those any time soon.

"Hey, I wasn't wrong about him going that way, though," Will smiled.

"That's not what we bet on," Benny shook his head and groaned. "And you have no idea how much of an ass that guy is." He had just gotten back from doing his part of the mission.

"I saw everything through here," he pointed at the TV. The best thing about the break room was the TVs that were scattered throughout the floor. It was designed to show cases that were ongoing. Theirs were easy to find, as it was one of the newest ones. And Will had been the first to get the most secluded spot so that they wouldn't be interrupted.

Right now, the screen was on Nicholas in his office. The man was devoted to his work at least. Will could say that for him. There was a reason why he was high up in that company of his, and it wasn't because of his father before him.

"Did you see just how he acted towards Solomon, though?" Benny frowned.

"Yeah," he sighed. "That wasn't the greatest thing he could have done. But I still think that this could work."

"How?!" Ben grabbed some popcorn from the bowl on Will's lap and shoved it into his mouth. "Solomon already hates him. And Nicholas won't even try and be the one who calls him. He keeps getting his assistant to do it!"

"Did you see his reaction when Solomon just walked out, though?" Will smiled at his partner. "Minus the fact that he was staring at his ass the whole time. He was completely stunned!"

"Yeah, that was kind of funny to see," Benny smiled. "I'm glad I was there to personally see that."

"I think Solomon's sassiness is perfect for Niko," Will said. "That and he's so stubborn about everything, it's the best way to teach him that he's got to work for what he wants."

"But what if Niko doesn't want to work for this?" Benny asked. "What if he just accepts that he can't get him, and it ends there?"

"Then I'll owe you my breakfasts," Will elbowed him playfully. "But I don't think that's going to happen."


"Look at him!" he motioned towards the screen of Nicholas at his desk. "He's been obsessing over him for three days in a row. And the arrow's affects only last one. Solomon might be the one person that he fights for."

"Frita," they heard Nicholas call for his assistant over his phone. "Have you heard any word from Mr. Balter?"

"Yes, sir," the assistant said over the phone. "He still declined the offer."

"You made sure to tell him that it was going to be doubled?"

"He said that money wasn't a priority, sir. And he said that he no longer wished to be bothered again."

Niko put his face in his hands and sighed. It was interesting seeing the man like this. For someone who was used to getting everything he wanted, this must be new to him. And, with how much Will knew he was a man dedicated to his work, he would fight for this.

"Call him one more time and triple the offer," he told his assistant. His blue eyes looked determined. "If he doesn't accept that then ask what his terms would be for taking the job and we'll meet them."

"Are you sure about that, sir?" the assistant seemed shocked. "That seems like a lot for a model for one ad."

"He's the best one for it, and I'm not going to give this up."

"It's nice to see that he's dedicated to something at least," Benny said. "With that deadline coming up for it, I'm surprised that he's still trying to push for this."

"That's one thing that's going for him," Will said. "That's why the best spot for this to start was at his work."

"I don't know if Solomon is ready for something like this, though," Benny said. His voice got quieter and he looked worried. "He's another troubled case."

The screen changed to show a repair van driving down the street. Solomon had been busy that day it seemed. He was eating in his truck again.

"Then maybe someone like Niko will be perfect for him," Will said. "Maybe he needs someone who's a little rough around the edges to help liven him up."

"There's still one problem with this," Benny smiled at him.


"They still might not even see each other again."

"You know," Will smiled back at his coworker. "I was thinking about that," he clicked a button on the remote to zoom in on Solomon in the van, frowning as he was talking into the phone. "But, you see, sometimes it's the arrow that leads you to that person. And sometimes," he gestured to the TV as the van pulled into a familiar building. "Fate likes to work it's magic."

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