Chapter 39

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This had to be the most fun he had in a long time. It was always amazing when you could have fun by just doing the normal things. The whole weekend seemed to fly by without him even noticing. It had been a long time since Solomon smiled this much when he wasn't with Maya.

His car was an easy fix, thankfully. The mechanic that Niko had gotten replaced the part that broke within two hours. He was so relieved that he finally had his car back. He could always use the work van, but that was just annoying when it came to doing errands and picking Maya up from school. And trying to move his tools to clear a spot for groceries was never fun.

Of course Niko had fun telling him that he was going to pay. Solomon was going to argue with him, but he already had his card out.

"You can pay me back by hanging out with me the rest of the day," Niko winked at him. "Unless you have to do something with Maya, that is."

Solomon gave into him paying for it only when Niko signed his name on the receipt. It slightly bugged him. He didn't want to seem like he was using Niko for money. He could have easily paid for the part. But the man was persistent.

"She won't be back until tomorrow," Solomon answered. "She was sleeping over at her friends house for the weekend."

"Does this mean that you're saying 'yes'?" Niko gave him a mischievous grin. Solomon liked that look on him. It made him feel younger.

"Sure," Solomon laughed. "Maybe we could go for a drive or something."

"Going to downtown is always fun."

Riko left after the mechanic was all done. He had plenty of other things to do. In his line of work, he didn't really get Saturdays off. They decided to test drive Solomon's car first, just to make sure that everything was okay now. Since they started the day early, there was still plenty of time to do whatever their hearts desired.

"We should see how fast it'll go," Niko smirked at him.

"I'd rather not get a speeding ticket," Solomon shook his head. "Thank you very much."

"What if I said that I would pay it?"

"I would still get a ding on my license," Solomon rolled his eyes. "So, no."

"You're no fun."

"I'm plenty of fun," Solomon looked over at him and winked. "Just not that kind of fun." He still didn't know why he always seemed to flirt with him. But he couldn't deny that he enjoyed it.

"What kind of fun are you then?" Niko's voice seemed to get lower when he asked that. It sent a shiver right through him.

"The kind of fun that apparently has you calling me every day and coming to my door early in the morning with flowers," Solomon said. There was no way he was going to show him what the man was doing to him through his voice alone.

"That was fun," Niko smirked.

The drive was great. The weather was amazing for once. It stayed sunny for most of the day. They walked around a few stores and got food when they were hungry. He hadn't even realized that the day had moved so quickly until he saw the sun set in the distance after they left the last shop.

They wound up eating breakfast together Sunday morning. Niko really was great to talk to when he finally started talking about himself. He had some interesting stories. Like how he had first met Riko.

"He was trying to hit on your cousin?" Solomon tried to hide some laughter.

"While she was pregnant," Niko said. "He said something about how pregnant women had this glow about them or something that made them look gorgeous," he looked like he was about to laugh himself. "Her husband was not happy hearing him say that to her."

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