Chapter 90

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"Woah!" Maya looked like her jaw was going to drop as she looked at the house. "This one's even bigger than Ira's!"

Solomon chuckled. It had been a while since he had been there as well. But it didn't seem like it changed much at all. He was too used to Niko always coming over to his place. But it hadn't really changed. The flowers in the front seemed to be a different color, probably due to the changing seasons. But that was just about it.

"It's just a house, Maya," Solomon said. He loved her reactions to these things. He had already seen so many things that he rarely got this surprised.

Niko's mansion still held a lot of fun memories. Many of them were right in the front of the place. Just as he was driving up to the place, he practically saw Niko out front, dressed in a green suit with flowers in his hands. He smiled when he thought about that. That was their first official date. He gave Niko such a hard time back then. But Niko just seemed to enjoy it. As much as he seemed like he wanted to rush things at first, he also seemed like he was enjoying the journey. Solomon knew that he was definitely enjoying the flirting that they always did.

"It's not just a house!" Maya snapped him out of his thoughts. She stuck her tongue out at him before getting out of the car. "This place is humungous!"

"I'm glad you like it," Niko came out. He put out his arms to hug Maya as she came up to him. "I missed you guys."

"I missed you too," Maya hugged him tight. Solomon let them have their moment as he went to park the car in the garage. With Niko having to take care of Jay now, he wasn't able to come over to Solomon's that much. Him and Jay would come over for dinner, but Jay would be too tired after eating to stay there for much longer. Solomon suggested that Niko could use his guest room for Jay in the meantime, but Niko told him that it would be too much stuff that he would have to bring over if he wanted Jay to stay with Solomon.

That and he was a bit of a wrecking ball. Solomon didn't need that when he was renting a place. One blemish to those walls and his landlord would have his head. And he was already going to have to work overtime for a while to pay the rent. It just got raised. And, although Solomon knew it was coming, he hadn't exactly been prepared for it.

He felt bad for Matilda, having to deal with all of the legal issues that came with someone passing away. Solomon had Ira to help him with most of that. Both of them weren't exactly in the right mind to do it alone, but together they could help push each other to get what was needed done. At least it was Matilda and her mother helping each other through it. Neither of them had to go through it alone.

But he would be lying if he didn't say that he missed those arms pulling him close at night. He had gotten too used to sleeping with Niko every night that he hadn't really been getting the best sleep without him. And he was seeing him less and less, especially with the overwork he was doing.

And there was Maya. She was getting used to online school. Ira came over almost every day to check up on them. It was nice having him around again. Solomon had stopped talking to him too much after Somner passed. It wasn't that he didn't like Ira, because he absolutely loved him.

Ira just reminded him so much of his son. And Solomon was trying to forget about him for the longest time.

"Solomon," Niko leaned in to look through his window. He had already parked and was just sitting there for a moment. "You okay?"

"Yeah," he rubbed his face. "Just a bit tired." He got out and was quickly swept into a hug. He sighed into the man's shoulder, letting all the tension of the week melt away. He still had to work the next day, but he couldn't stand to spend another night away from him. So, he just decided to bring his work clothes with him. He could drive to get his work van in the morning. He just wanted to sleep in those arms again.

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