Chapter 49

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"How long is this one going to take?" Solomon asked as they pulled up to the dancing studio.

"About three hours," Maya got out of the car and went to grab her bag. "It's one of the final ones I have before my next show at school."

"You're going to call me if they start calling you names, right?" he raised an eyebrow at her. He still hated that so many of these girls were vain. They slimmed their bodies down to such an unhealthy state, and bullied anyone who wouldn't do it as well.

"Yes, Solomon," Maya rolled her eyes.

"Hey, I'm serious," he looked at her from the driver's seat. "I don't want them thinking they can walk all over you. You need to promise me, okay?"

"I promise," she nodded. Solomon got out of the car really quick to give her a hug before she started running off into the building. It was one that was connected to her school. The one that he paid so much for just for her to get bullied.

Solomon sighed. Why did things have to be so complicated sometimes? Why did kids have to do this to each other? Why did these girl's parents think that it was okay for them to barely eat anything? He remembered getting in an argument with one of the parents about what a healthy diet for a dancer was. They forgot the factor that these were growing girls. They needed food.

Solomon drove off thinking about the same thoughts he always had when he brought Maya to school. He worried so much about her. Since he was just her brother, the school liked to give him trouble in regards to issues with her. It took them one year to realize that Solomon wasn't going to back down, and they were fighting a pointless war. But there was so much stress that came with schools like these. It was such a pain.

But, most of that was all in the past. Solomon could be happy about that, at least. He just didn't quite know if he wanted to stop thinking about the past.

He wasn't quite sure what to think about the present at the moment.

Solomon had been tossing and turning all night. All his mind ever seemed to wander off to was that kiss. He couldn't get his thoughts to settle when it came to Niko. He was glad that the man still sent him a text that day. He was worried that he had hurt his feelings or something yesterday. Niko had left earlier than he thought he would. He didn't know why, but he was afraid to ask. What if he was having second thoughts about all of this? He did tell him that he had only been with women before this.

Solomon laughed at himself a bit as he drove down the calm streets. He should be more worried about whether he truly wanted what that kiss entailed. Niko had clearly wanted him even though he was a man. But, instead of being too nervous about it, he was more scared that the man was going to back out of this himself.

Did he feel the same way that Solomon felt with that kiss? Every time he remembered what had happened, his body lit up. As much as he tried to think rationally about whether he wanted to escalate things, he didn't feel like he had a choice at this point. All that man had to do was kiss him and his mind would turn to mush.

The scary thing was that he didn't seem to mind that thought.

Solomon shook his head. He couldn't be thinking about these things when he was going to be alone at home for the next three hours. It might have been better than when he was still sad about Somner being gone, but it still wasn't a good thing. He would get too lost in thoughts that he would just wind up staring at the wall and not getting anything done.

And today was laundry day.

He pulled into his usual parking spot to see something peculiar. His friend, Gary was standing on the side walk right by his parking spot. He rarely saw the guy when he wasn't at work. His short, dirty blond hair blew in the wind as he waved at him.

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