Chapter 29

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Okay, he had the note left out for Maya. He had something decent on. He had his keys, his wallet. His teeth were brushed. His hair looked presentable at least.

So why was he this nervous?

Wait. Did he put on the right shoes?

Okay, he did.

Man, he was a nervous wreck. Solomon couldn't believe he even agreed to something this soon. He was still trying to calm his nerves down from the night they almost kissed. But, like usual, he had let the man convince him into another date.

He was an idiot. What kind of person actually agrees to a date with the very person who was flirting with him at an interview?

Solomon sighed and rubbed his head. He couldn't keep saying that, if he was being honest with himself. He did apologize. But the man left him more than confused. Sometimes he seemed like he just wanted a physical relationship, and would flirt with him to no end to try and get him close. But then there were times when it would seem like he wanted more than that.

Like the times he had pulled him close to him.

He could still feel that arm wrapped around him as they waited for that sportscar to come. Solomon actually leaned into him, he was so tired. He hadn't been held like that in such a long time. He didn't think it would feel that good from someone other than Somner.

That was probably why he agreed on this coffee date.

Niko had texted him the address to the place they were going. It wasn't too far away from where he was. It only took about five minutes to drive there. He followed the directions easily. He had been all around Amor for his work. He knew this city like the back of his hand.

What he didn't know was how to shake off these nerves.

He wasn't surprised when he saw Niko's car parked in the small parking lot before him. Solomon had gotten there with ten minutes to spare. He had no clue how long Niko had been waiting. At least he knew he wasn't going to get stood up.

If Niko ever did that, there would be absolutely no chance of them ever being in a relationship. That had always been a rule for him. If the guy wasn't willing to at least text him to say that he couldn't make it before the date was going to happen, then he wasn't worth Solomon's time.

Speaking of text. Solomon sent him one. He just needed to ask him if he was already inside or not. It seemed rather ridiculous to go up to the staff inside and see if a table had been reserved for him. And his nerves were too shot to give him a call.

After receiving a text saying that he was waiting at a table inside for him, Solomon slowly started getting out of the car. He didn't know whether he over dressed or under dressed, but he hoped it was neither. He didn't need any more stares from people.

"Solomon," Niko flashed him one of his sparkling smiled. The sunlight was shining through the window right next to him. It made him look like he was glowing. "You came!"

"Do you really not expect me to come to the things that I plan with you?" he asked. Niko always seemed so surprised every time he saw him. He sat down at the small booth and started looking at the menu. The restaurant was tiny, but still rather fancy. He wouldn't have expected anything else from the man.

"It's just always nice to see you," Niko winked at him.

"Exactly how early did you get here?"

"About twenty minutes ago," he answered. "Why?"

"You get to dates twenty minutes before?"

"You get here ten minutes before?"

"Ten and twenty are two different numbers," Solomon smirked at him. He couldn't help but enjoy the teasing game they played with each other.

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