Chapter 61

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"Then you take a step forward."


"Then a step to the side."

"Will, I don't think I'm good at this," Benny gave his friend a shy look. Out of all the things to be insecure about, this was one of them. Even though he was a cupid and had all the time in the world to learn.

"You're doing great, Benny!" Will encouraged him. "You've already gotten most of it down! Now all it'll take is some practice."

The door opened and closed with a small click. These doors were slam proof, just in case some cupids got really worked up about their cases, or their coworkers.

Or the boss.

"What are you two doing now?" Sarah came into the breakroom to see the most ridiculous thing she had ever seen. Benny and Will had moved all the seats and couches to the edge of the room, leaving a wide space of nothing but the wooden floors beneath them. They even moved most of the TV's that were scattered all over the breakroom. Now even they were pushed towards the wall, completely turned off.

But that wasn't the ridiculous thing here. Although it definitely was strange for them to not at least have the TV on while they were doing something. It wasn't as strange as what she was looking at now.

While Benny was in a baby blue suit, designed for what seemed to be a mascaraed, Will was wearing a gown.

As in: a dress.


Was wearing a dress.

"Oh, Sarah!" Will smiled. The black ball gown swayed with every movement he made, making all the ruffles and frills dance with him. "You came in just in time to see Benny's progress!"

"I still don't think I'm that good yet," Benny said nervously.

"Why are you dressed for the ball?" Sarah had to keep herself from laughing at the scene she was looking at now. If she started now, she might end up on the floor with no hope of ever getting up.

"You like it?" Will let go of Benny's hands to show her the front of it a little more. "I was going to go with pink, but I thought that was a little too overdone. Besides, this matches my eyes more." He batted his eyes daintily.

"Will," Sarah had to suppress another snicker as she shook her head. "You never cease to surprise me every time I come to see you."

"He even did his hair for it!" Benny said. That's when she noticed that those short brown curls that used to be on her friend's head was now long locks that went just past his shoulders. The way it curled made it look like he had caramel highlights.

"How did you grow it so fast?"

"Cupid trick," Will shrugged. "Everyone had long hair in the 70s. So, when I was doing cases during that time, I delved into some of the styles for a bit."

"Are you from the 1970s?"

"Oh, no," Will smiled as his sparkling eyes were brought back in time. "I'm much older than that. I was from the 1920s."

Jeez. That was pretty old considering the times now. A lot of the cupids that she had talked to were younger ones, new to their line of work. But there were cupids from much older times. Lee was one of the oldest. He was from the 1700s if she remembered right. But Will was definitely older than her and Benny.

"Really?" Benny asked. His face looked like an excited child. Sarah wouldn't be surprised if he had a thousand questions that he wanted to ask.

"Oh yeah!" Will's smile got wider. "The parties were great in New York! And I'll forever miss all the dancing..."

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