Chapter 86

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Days turned into weeks, and weeks to months. Pretty sure two had passed since the night they made up. Solomon was happy that nothing else had happened. It seemed like all the bad stuff had all flown out the window. Now was a time of happiness, as Solomon juggled between work, his friends and his family. It all seemed easy with Niko around. He loved to go out and have fun rather than sitting inside all the time. It helped Solomon stay in touch with some of the friends that he hadn't seen in a while.

Like Pete and Arthur for instance. They've both been happy to see him and talk to him regularly. Arthur and Niko seemed to really become great friends. Arthur was close to convincing the man to adopt a cat or dog, but he wasn't sure how well that would turn out. Niko wasn't exactly at his place too often, and Solomon wasn't allowed to have any pets at the condo he lived at.

He used to have some cats, actually. Somner loved cats better than dogs. His father did too. Solomon left them with Somner's dad before he moved out. Every now and then, he would call to see how everything was. So far, everyone was healthy, and Solomon was happy for that. The cats at least gave Somner's father some company. Solomon was sure that he needed it.

The weather had finally changed for the better. Winter was coming up now, which meant that the temperatures were going to be perfect for tourists and locals alike. Many tourists came to Amor thinking that they were going to find true love, because of the name. Solomon wished that they didn't all believe that. They probably got so disappointed when they left and were still single.

This city had some crazy stories.

Solomon barely got a shower in before he drove to get Maya. Now was the time where all the heaters needed to get checked up on. And there were a bunch of people with plumbing problems lately. But he always got off on time to pick Maya up from school. He was glad for that.

Speaking of which, she was taking longer than usual getting out. Solomon watched as all the other students walked to get into their parent's car or their own. Most of the kids that went there were from well off families. It was another reason why Solomon got a hard time whenever he had to deal with the parents and the rest of the school.

Okay. He was getting a strange feeling from this. Solomon turned off his car and tried calling her. When she didn't answer, he decided to get out and start going towards where her last class was. It was her dance class that she always came from. The very same that Solomon had fought tooth and nail with the people in that class.

You know Mother's Intuition? This was Big Brother's Intuition. And Solomon was not enjoying the yelling that he was hearing from outside the building.

"No one's going to hire an obese dancer," he heard a male's voice yell from inside. Solomon opened the door and quickly followed the sound of it. "If you don't lose weight, you're not going to make it anywhere in life!"

"I'm not fat!"

Oh no. Solomon moved faster. That was Maya's voice. And she sounded like she was already in tears.

He was going to punch someone.

"Hah! Look around you!" the man said. "Do you see all the women here? They all dance ten times better than you, and they're absolutely gorgeous! You've been causing me nothing but problems the entire time I've been your teacher young lady!"

"Causing you problems?!" Maya's voice boomed down the hallways. Solomon was almost there at that point. "All I've done is work my ass off for you! Just for you to call me fat and lazy!"

"Why, you disrespectful little-!"

He didn't have time to finish that sentence before Solomon burst through the door. The teacher was having a few of the other students surround her while he yelled. Maya's eyes were red and puffy. Solomon saw her glare at the teacher before she looked to see Solomon at the door.

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