Chapter 26

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"Noooooo!" Benny yelled at the screen. All the cupids shared his feelings, as they all made a show of their disappointment.

The two had been so close to kissing. Their faces were close, and both seemed to want it. But Solomon pulled away just before Niko was going to lean into him.

It was so close...

"I told you!" Sarah laughed. She looked like she was turning blue at first. "I told you they weren't going to! That's got to be the best tease I've seen yet!"

"But the whole thing with Courtney got resolved so quickly," Benny said. "The chances were so high!"

"I'll admit that I was wrong about Courtney being the reason why," Sarah put a finger in the air. "But I still wish we all would have bet on that. I would have won so much money from that alone."

"It's not fair!" Benny whined. "They were so close! Why did he stop it? Why did he pull away?"

"He's definitely a challenge," Lee chuckled. "You could tell that there was a spark though. That's a good thing."

"What's the point of a spark if you don't do anything with it?!" Benny argued. "Doing Last Chance cases suck!"

"They're definitely going to do something about it, Benny," Will patted him on the shoulder. "I think Solomon's just trying to tease him a little."

"More like teasing us," he crossed his arms and pouted. "For all we know, Solomon doesn't like him, and this is all the after effects of the arrow."

"No, I think he likes him," Will smiled.

"You're just saying that because you always think positive!"

"There's a little more to it than that," Will motioned towards the television. Solomon had just gotten to his place and his head was now on the steering wheel.

"Great. I'm actually falling for him."

"Ladies and Gentlemen," Will said. "We have achieved the impossible: Solomon is hooked."

"It wasn't entirely impossible," Lee said. "His heart hadn't closed completely. He just had to get his ex out of his head."

"He still hasn't fully done that," Suzy said. "That's worrisome."

"He will," Will said. "I think Niko's already helping with that."

"I still don't think the man deserves anything," Justin shook his head. "Solomon was smart for not kissing him after he said that."

"Why?" Will raised an eyebrow. "All he was doing was flirting a little."

"It sounded like he was just trying to fuck him," Justin explained. "Which he obviously was. Didn't you see Solomon's face? As soon as he said that, the man shut down and pulled away."

"Wait," Sarah stopped Will before he could try to argue. "Rewind that. I want to see if he's right."

He reluctantly complied and rewound the video to right before Solomon broke off the potential kiss. Sure enough, his face said it all. It went from wide-eyed but curious to a quick understanding of what Niko had said. It only happened for a split second, before his expression turned playful and he started teasing him.

"Man, he changes his expressions quickly," Lee shook his head. "Looks like you were right this time, Justin."

"Of course, I'm right," Justin rolled his eyes. "Solomon's not dumb when it comes to this kind of thing. He knows how to pick up on cues like that."

"Great," Benny let his head roll back on the couch and looked at the ceiling. "So, this is all Niko's fault."

"He still agreed to answer the call tomorrow," Will comforted him. "And we now know for a fact that he likes him."

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