Not over you yet

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On my way home yesterday Lucy Hale came up on my playlist with "kiss me" and it brought me some idea/s for this story. For people who haven't heard the song, it's about 2 people who have break up but isn't over it yet.
They are around age 20.

Ziva's POV
I stood in a corner with Kate and talked. I took a sip of my Xide and looked behind Kate. My eyes stuck at Tony DiNozzo, my ex, who danced with a blonde girl. He catch me looking at him and spun the girl around. I rolled my eyes and looked back at Kate who talked. I felt how Tony looked at me but I choosed to ignore him. "I'll go home. See you tomorrow." I said and hugged Kate. I slipped my jacket up over my shoulders and walked towards the exit. I walked home and walked up to my room. I closed the door behind me and slipped my jacket off. I walked over to the window, waiting for him to drive by. Every night after the party he takes a turn at my road. I saw a light from a car pulling up and I hide me behind the wall and just peeked my head out. He drove by my house and I sat down in the window sit. I looked out and thought about him, us. I dragged him inside my room and closed the door with my foot as he pushed me against it. He kissed me and lifted me up by my butt, and I wrapped my legs around his waist and arms around his neck. I smiled and kissed him back with more love.

Narrators POV
She woke up by her phone ringing. She fluttered her eyes open and looked for her phone. She grabbed her phone and saw 'Kate' on her screen. She answered and said, "hello." "Tell me I didn't wake you up." Kate said and sighed. "I'm sorry. What's the clock?" She said and rubbed back of her head. "12 o'clock. We would meet now." "I'll be there in 30 minutes." She said and hung up. She dropped the phone next to herself and left the window sit.

Ziva entered the café and catched Kate sitting at a table. She saw she had a cup so she stood in the line-up and waited for her turn to order. She ordered a cappuccino and payed. She turned around to walk to Kate and almost walked into someone, Tony. She looked up and blushed a little. They looked each other in the eyes. Tony smiled to make it less awkward. "I uhm have to go." Ziva said and quickly walked over to Kate. Tony turned around and looked at her. "Sir, you want to order something?" He turned back around and ordered. "That was awkward" Ziva said as she sat down at the table. "Admit you aren't over him yet!" She said. "Not so loud! He can hear us." Ziva responded and leaned over the table. "Admit it. Either of you are over each other." "I'm over him." She said and grabbed her cup. "You are such a terrible liar." She laughed. Ziva blushed and looked over at him. She quickly turned her head back to Kate. They sat at the café for 1-2 hours. "I have to go. Promised Kyla I would drive her to her training." Kate said and stood up. "See ya." Ziva said and drank up the last in her cup. Then she stood up and grabbed her bag. She walked out and headed home.

Tony's POV
"You want a ride home?" I yelled in the car beside her. She looked at me and I heard a slight sigh. "Come on." I said with a smile. "Why?" She asked. "Do I have to has a reason? Can't I just be nice or be your friend?" I said and opened the door for her. Sure, I had my reason. I wanted her back. She walked over to me and the car and sat down. I gave her a weak smile and she closed the door. It was an awkward silence the first minute. "I miss you, you know." I said slowly and quietely. She looked suprised at me and blushed. I reached for her hand and stroked my thumb over it. I pulled the car over at her house and looked at her. "Talk to me. Please." I said. "I... don't know." She said and slipped her hand away from mine. "Thank you for the ride." She said and opened the door. I opened mine and walked around and grabbed her arm, turned her around and kissed her. She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me back. I smiled as her lips were pressed against mine. I had missed her. Missed the taste of her lips. We pulled back and I heard someone say, "I said either of you was over each other." We turned around and saw Kate. I looked at Ziva and saw her blushing. "I forget to leave you this." She said and handed her something. Then she jumped into the car and drove away with Kyla. "She always knew how to interrupt us." I laughed. Ziva turned me around to her and pulled me into a kiss. "You want to come in?" She asked and slowly pulled me towards the house.

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