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"Hold it Ziva" yelled Tony as he came running. "Thank you. Morning." "Morning Tony." Ziva pushed at the button. The elevator stopped. "What not now again!" Ziva whined. "Come down I'm sure they get us out." "How?!" "Maybe call Gibbs first of all?" She sighed and took up her phone of her bag. "Gibbs what happened?" "It looks like the power went." "The power went?! No it can't be happening. Not again. I'm stuck with Tony again..." "Come down Ziver. I'll see if we can get you two out." "Hurry up Gibbs." With that she hung up. "The power went." "Great... So we will probably be stuck in here for some hours." He said and laughed a little. "Don't say so. Its not fun!" "A little" he laughed. Ziva sat down on the floor next to Tony. "Ugh it's so hot in here! And we have only been in here for like 15 minutes." Tony took of his jacket and she rested her head on his shoulder. "I'm getting tired." She yawned as she laid her head in Tony's lap. "Am I your pillow?" He asked as he stroked her hair. "Yeah" she giggled. "I have never heard you giggle before." "Not many people have but you of everyone can always make me giggle..." She said shyly. "Oh really." Then she fell asleep in his lap. After an hour Tony got bored and started to play with her hair. She opened her eyes and smiled. "What are you doing?" "I..I got bored... Sorry." "It is ok." Tony kept playing with her hair as she looked at him. "Tony, how much longer do you think we will be in here?" "I don't know but I'm glad I'm stuck with you and not McGeek." He said and smiled. She smiled back and looked into his green eyes. "I have never notice how pretty your eyes are Tony." "Thank you." They made eye contact and smiled at each other. "You are beautiful Ziva" he said with a smile and stroked her cheek. "You had never acted like this before." "I guess the heat is making me weird." "Thats bad I like you when you are weird" she giggled. "I like hearing you giggle. It is cute" he said and kissed her hand. "I think I am going to sleep" she said. "Can I lay with you?" "Sure" she said and tried to hide her smile. Tony laid down next to her and she scooted closer to him. "Is it ok if I uh...like..." She smiled and grabbed his arm and laid it over her. She laid her head on his chest as he wrapped his other arm around her. "If there could be stars in the ceiling it would be perfect" he said and kissed her cheek. "It would be romantic. Good night Tony." "Good night my Israeli." He kissed her cheek again and nuzzled his head into her hair.

Next morning Ziva wakes up in Tony's arms. She just wanted to laid there close to him and act like she was still sleeping. She could not believe they had been stuck in the elevator for a day now. "Tony.. wake up.." "Mmm morning" he said tired. "Morning sleepy" she said and nuzzled onto his chest. "I have never notice you are the kind of girl who like to cuddle." "Well I like to cuddle with sweet people." She said and blushed a bit. He lifted up her chin and once again made eye contact. She smiled as he pressed her lips on his. They kissed for some second then he pulled back and smiled. She snaked her arms around his neck an pulled him in for a kiss. He kissed her back as the elevator doors opened. "You two better not do what I think." They both spread apart. "Um Gibbs we can explain" she said quickly. "Save it. I knew it should happen one day." She smiled and Tony gave her a kiss.

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