The puppy

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Tony stood outside the witness house and talked to Gibbs when he saw the house in flames. He dropped his phone and yelled "Ziva!!!" He called the fire department. He walked to the door and opened it but the way in was blocked. "Ziva" he yelled again. Then he heard a window crash. He saw Ziva climbing out from the window with something in her arms. It was not the witness, something much smaller. "Ziva" he said and ran to her. He sat down next to her and then he saw a little puppy. He checked Ziva's puls and also the puppy's. Her puls was low and he called an ambulance. The fire department and the ambulance came at same time. The fire department tried to put out the fire. And the ambulance people gave Ziva and the puppy oxygen. They took Ziva to the hospital. She had burn wounds on her arm. Tony drove after with the puppy. He couldn't just leave it. "We'll get you when we have checked that she is alright." The doctor said. Even though animals wasn't allowed he had the puppy in his jacket. It was adorable, maybe 3 months old. So little and cute.

30 minutes later a doctor came. "She is asleep but you can see her now. We have stitched her wound up in her forehead and cleaned her burn wounds on her arm. She will be alright. But we want her to stay for some hours. She still need more oxygen." "Thank you Doc. Which room?" "Room 48." Tony smiled and walked away. He grabbed the chair in the corner and put it next to her bed. He laid the puppy in his lap but she didn't want to stay there. She stood up against his chest and tried to lick his face. She calmed down after Tony patted her. Tony grabbed Ziva's hand and held it tight. He were almost asleep when he felt fingers move. "Ziva?" He asked gently. "Yeah... Where am I?" "At the hospital. You know what happened?" "Yeah. Nicole? The puppy? Is they alive?" She asked as she sat up. "Nicole is dead. The puppy is right here. Your alright?" He asked softly. "Yes I'm fine." Tony gave the puppy to Ziva and she licked her face. "I think I'll call you Millie." Ziva said and smiled. "I think she likes you, sweet cheeks." Mille laid down on her chest and fell asleep. "When can I leave?" "In a few hours. The doctor said you needed more oxygen. I'm glad you are alive." Ziva smiled then pulled him in to a kiss. "So am I" she said and kissed him again. Then she laid back down and waited for the hours to go. She wanted to go home.

3 hours later
The hospital said she could leave now. Tony drove her home to her apartment. "You want to stay over the night?" She asked. "Always." He answered. Tony closed the door. Ziva walked to her bedroom and changed clothes to some shorts and a tank top. "Will you keep her?" Tony asked. "Yes. Where should I leave her otherwise?" She asked as she snaked her arms around his neck. "She is cute." Tony said and kissed her. "I'd need someone who could help me with her." Ziva said. "I don't like dogs." "But look at her. You said she was cute and she is." Ziva whined. Millie ran around in circles, hunting her tail. Ziva giggled. "Well okay. But only if I get a kiss." Tony said. She kissed his lips again then pulled back. She picked Millie up and sat down on the couch. Tony sat down next to her. Ziva laid her head on his chest and Millie laid in Ziva's lap, asleep.

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