Family vacation

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Finally a new story!! I hope you like it! Please come with requests! I'll be more active again. 😘

Tony's POV
Me, Ziva and Tali were going to Greece, Crete. Me and Ziva had taken one week off from ncis. We both felt like we needed some time off, some time together and time with Tali.

Tali were sitting between us in the middle seat. She was asleep against Ziva's chest with Keh-lehv in her hand. Ziva had her arm around Tali, also asleep. The plane was soon to began to go down and land. We got off the plane and got our bags. Ziva held Tali in her hand and I took the bags while we looked for the bus. We found our bus and got on. Tali was all excited. She sat closest to the window and pressed her face into the window. We sat on the bus for around 20 minutes, then we arrived at our hotel, Aral Hotel. We had booked al-inclusive. The hotel had 3 pools. One for kids, one with water slides and one deep one for grown ups. "Abba, abba, look!" Tali screamed and jumped up and down. "I want! I want!" She screamed. "Tomorrow Tali." I said. Tali groaned and looked at Ziva with puppy eyes. "Daddy is right." She said. We got to our room after checked in. "I'm hungry." Tali whined. Ziva picked her up and swung her around, making her laugh. "We maybe should eat before packing up?" She said, smiling at Tali. "Let's go," I said. The hotel had 2 restaurants you could choose betweem. We got something to eat and Tali began to be tired. She climbed over in my lap and after a while fell asleep. Me and Ziva stayed for an hour more before walking back to our room. I put Tali on the bed, still asleep peachfully. "I can fix this," Ziva said, softly, putting her hand on my shoulder. I nodded and walked out of the room.

Ziva's POV
I tucked Tali to bed. Before walking out, I kissed her forehead and turned off the night-lamp. I closed the door and sighed. I was so tired. "What's wrong?" Tony asked from the bed. I went to lay down next to him and he wrapped his arm around me. He looked at me and kissed me. I kissed him back. "What's wrong?" He asked again, pulling apart. "I'm so tired." I said and laid my head on his chest. "That's all?" He said, running his fingers on my back. "Yes. No." I said, looking up at him. "I miss spending time with you, just you and me. Without having Tali around. Like go out and eat or go to the cinema, like we used to do. We work, and when we get home, Tali has her needs and is always around. Don't take it the wrong way." I said. "Ziva," he said and cupped my face. "You should tell me this and we fix it. Abby happily babysit Tali. Okay sweet cheeks?" He said and kissed me. I nodded and kissed him back. Then I left the bed and unpacked our things. Afterwards I made myself ready for bed and crawled under the covers. Tony went to bed seconds later. He pulled me close to him and kissed my shoulder. I felt his hand traveling down. As nice the feeling of him being down there, I put my hand over and said "Tony, stop". I turned around, looking at him. "Tali is right behind that wall. We can't do this." I said and kissed him. He sighed. "Even though I want this so bad." I said between kisses. "Good night." I said and gave him one last kiss.

The next day I woke up early. Tony had his arms around me so I gently sat up without waking him. I got my bikini on then a pair of shorts and a tank top. I walked past Tali's room and opened her door to see if she was asleep, but no. She sat on her bed, fully awake, playing with Keh-lehv and other stuffed animal Ali-zah. "Hey sweetheart. What are you doin' awake?" I said, quietly and walked in, closing the door behind me. "Keh-levh couldn't sleep any longer." Tali said. I sat down beside her and hugged her. "You know what we are gonna do today?" I said. "No. Ima tell me." She said. "We are gonna try those water slides." I said. Tali shined up like a sun. "Yaay! Now?" She said, excited. "No not yet. We will eat breakfast first." I said and kissed her temple.

Narrator's POV
Later that day, Tony and Ziva switched who would go with Tali in the water slides. They ran up and down all day with her. On the evening, they went outside the hotel and looked around in Creete and Tali got her hair done i many small, tiny, braids. The next day they did some guiding tour on a bus with some stops at famous buildings. Tali was mostly boring all day, she would rather be in the pool and the water slides. The following days they spent at the hotel, tanning and swimming.

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