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Ziva's POV
I woke up by someone poking my arm. I opened my eyes and saw my little girl standing beside the bed. "Hi sweetie, what's wrong?" I asked as I sat up. "Nightmare," she said and started to sob again. "Shhh it's okay," I said and wiped her tears away. "You want to lay between me and daddy?" I asked and caressed her cheek. She nodded and I lifted her up in our bed. I laid back down and Ariella snuggled up next to me. Tony laid with his back to us, snoring. I ran my fingers through her curly hair. "Why is daddy doing that sound?" Ariella asked with a weird face, and looked up at me. "Some people, just do it. They can't help it. You will understand when you get older." I said with a smile. "Go back to sleep," I said and kissed her forehead. She smiled and closed her eyes. I fell asleep right after her.

Tony's POV
I woke up by my alarm ringing. I turned around and saw both my girls. Ziva had her arms wrapped around Ariella's little body and she laid half on top of her. I leaned over to kiss Ziva. Her eyes fluttered open and she smiled. "Morning," she said and kissed me back. "Morning," I said and sat up. I looked at Ariella who still was asleep. "She had a nightmare, again." Ziva said and rubbed her back. "You can't protect her from everything," I said and stroked her cheek. "I know." She said and gave me a weak smile. "We should get up." I said and kissed her. She nodded. "I will do breakfast while you wake her up." I said and left the bed. I took a quick shower then began on the breakfast. I heard laughter and understood she had woke up Ariella. It was Friday and every Friday I did something Ariella loved, so I today did waffles. A couple of minutes later, Ariella came running to me. She hugged my legs. I turned around and picked her up. "How is daddy's girl?" I asked with a smile. "Great." She said and tried to see what I did. "Waffles!" She said happy. "Yes, just for you." I said and kissed her nose. She giggled and I let her down. She climbed up on a chair and waited. Ziva came walking in. "Breakfast done?" She asked and kissed my cheek. "In a minute," I said back. She sat down and right after we ate.

Ziva's POV
I hugged Ariella and kissed her cheek. Then I stood up and walked out. Tony was waiting in the car. I saw Ariella run away to the other kids and I smiled. "No problem?" Tony asked as I closed the car door. "Not today," I said. He speeded away to the navy yard. He put his hand on my thigh and I put mine hand over his. "I love you." He said with a quick look at me. "I love you too." I said and stroked my thumb over his hand. We pulled up at the navy yard and parked the car. Then we made our way to the elevator. I snaked my arms around his neck as the doors closed. He pressed at the buttom and then switched everything off. I smiled as he captured my lips. I kissed him back. I pulled back and looked at him. "We should-" I said. "Yeah," he said and cut me off. He switched on the elevator again and stole another kiss right before the doors opened. McGee looked up as we entered the squad room. "Good morning guys." He said cheerfully like always. "Morning Tim," I said with a smile. "Where is the boss-man?" Tony asked as he sat down and started his computer. "In MTAC. I think we may have a case." McGee said.

"Grab your gear," Gibbs said and walked into the squad room. I hung up and said, "I need to skip, Gibbs. They called from Ariella's kindergarten and said she is having fever." I said. "Pick her up Ziver." Gibbs said and threw the car keys to Tony instead. "Send me information about the case and I will see what I can find when I get back with Ariella." I said and grabbed my things. Tony gave me a quick kiss before he headed to the elevator. I took the stairs because it went faster. Then I drove to her kindergarten. "Hi," I said as I got in. Emma went to get Ariella and I got her things. "Are you sure she is having fever? She seemed great earlier this morning." I said. "Yes. She is really warm and a little off." Emma said. I bent down and handed Ariella her jacket. We walked out and got into the car. "Are we going home?" Ariella asked. "No sweetie. We are going to ncis." I said and looked at her in the backseat. We got to ncis and I put her things behind my desk. I sat down and picked her up in my lap. I put my hand against her forehead and felt if she was warm. "I'm tired," she said and yawned. I stroked her cheek and said "go to sleep". I grabbed a small blanket behind us and put it over her. She snuggled up against my chest and fell asleep pretty fast. I began to work.

Tony's POV
We walked into the squad room and saw Ziva sitting in her chair with a sleeping Ariella. "Hi," I said and leaned over to kiss her. "How is she?" I asked. "A little fever but she is very tired." She said. "Why don't you go home Ziver?" Gibbs said. "No I'm fine. She is sleeping so it's no problem." Ziva said. "What do you got?" He asked. Ziva started to tell what she had found. McGee walked down with the evidence to Abby and I did a background check on our navy officer's girlfriend.

Some hours past by, it was now 3pm. "Go home. She will soon be awake and then it's better if she is home." I said to Ziva as I sat down on the edge of her desk. She yawned. "I guess you are right." She said. "Both of you go home. Ariella needs both of you." Gibbs said. "Are you sure boss?" I asked. "Yeah go! Take care of my granddaughter." He said, showing us away with his hand. I took Ariella in my arms and Ziva got our things. Then we headed home.

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