Best friends forever: Part 2

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Sorry I haven't done your request earlier @brittxalways. I just haven't had inspiration to how I would continue it. So if you ask me, this part kinda sucks. But I hope you are happy :)

Tony woke up in the morning by his alarm ringing. He groaned and turned it off. He sat up, ready to leave the bed as Ziva grabbed his hand. "Where you going?" She asked, still half asleep. He leaned down to kiss her forehead. "To work." He said. She opened her eyes and looked at him. "Can I follow with you?" He smiled and said "sure". He then left the bed and took a quick shower and got dressed. He made coffee and sandwiches during the time she showered. She got dressed and dried her hair. "Ready to go?" He asked. "What about breakfast?" She asked. He handed her a cup coffee and a sandwich. "We eat on the way." He said. She chuckled. "Just like before," she said smiling. "Oh shut up." He said and locked his door. They pulled up at the parking lot and headed towards the building. "What if your team doesn't like me?" She asked as they walked into the elevator. "Of course they will like you. And what do that matter otherwise, I like you." He said and leaned in to kiss her. The elevator dinged and the doors opened, and they walked out. "Good morning guys," Tony said. "You sound cherish today," McGee said and looked up. "No wonder why." Kate said. "I want you to meet Ziva. Ziva, this is McGee and Kate." He said. "Nice to meet you," McGee said with a smile. "I recognize you from somewhere," Kate said and walked past them to Tony's desk. "Stop snooping at my desk." Tony whined. "Like you don't do that all the time when I'm gone." Kate said and opened a drawer. "Like old days then." Ziva said with a smirk. "Here's why. This is you right?" Kate asked and handed her the photo. "Yes. You kept this?" Ziva asked. "Of course. I told you I had lot of photos left." He said and stroked her cheek. "You were kinda hot then," Kate said with a smirk. "I still am." Tony replied. "Right," Kate responded. Gibbs walked in and sat down behind his desk. "Get to work DiNozzo." He said. "Uhm boss this is Ziva. Is it ok if she stays?" Tony asked. "As long as you do yours." He said.

8pm on the evening
Tony had decided earlier today that he would take Ziva out. So when they got back to his apartment after working, they made themselves ready. "You ready?" Tony asked. Ziva opened the door and Tony's jaw dropped. "Wow beautiful" he said, speachless. She giggled and blushed. "You in suits, yummy." She said flirty. He smiled and kissed her, then they left. Tony took her to his favorite restaurant, not far away from his apartment. "This looks expensive." She said. "Naw it could had been worse." He whispered. The waiter brought them to a table and handed them two menu. They ordered and started talking. The waiter interrupted them, with coming with their food. "Hope it taste." He said. "You told me about your father, but during all these years you lived in Israel, there must been something good? Otherwise how did you get through it?" Tony asked. "Yeah of course, there was good things too. But mostly, bad." She said and Tony reached for her hand. "How's your father?" She asked. "I would suppose he is doing great. Hadn't heard or seen him on a while. We aren't so close anymore." He said. "Oh. Why?" She said. "He just want to borrow money or anything else when he calls or comes. He always come with a trouble." He said and finished up his food. "I'm sorry." She said. "It's fine. Gibbs is like a father to me. Not to mention the rest of the team. They are my family so it has been great." He said. Ziva smiled. "What do you wanna do now?" He asked. "I don't know." She said and leaned in to a kiss. "Thank you for dinner." She whispered. Tony payed and then they left. He wrapped his arm around her. "Do you remember 'our' secret place?" He asked. "Depends on which, I guess you don't mean the one in my house." She said. They walked past their old houses to a forest. They came up to a little pond and sat down in the grass. "Still as beautiful." She said smiling. "Yeah it's." He said and pulled her closer. She rested her head on his chest as they talked. "You want to go back?" He asked. "Yeah." She said. They started to walk back to Tony's, hand in hand. Tony unlocked his door and let her walk in first. He hung is jacket up and then sneaked up behind her, and wrapped his arms around her waist. "I'm so happy we are reunited." He said and kissed her cheek. She smiled and said, "me too". He swung her around and she giggled. "What want you to do?" He asked. "Maybe watch something on tv and then go to sleep?" She said and nuzzled her head into the crock of his neck. He kissed her forehead and walked into the bedroom. He stripped down to his boxers and a t-shirt then crawled under the covers. He switched on the tv as she changed clothes to shorts and a tank top, then she laid down beside him. They started to watch some crime show but after a while, they both had fallen asleep. She laid asleep on his chest and he had his arms wrapped around her.

A year later, Tony and Ziva are now engaged. Tony had asked her during their small vacation in US. They had moved to a bigger apartment, and Ziva was 4 months pregnant. She had applied to ncis, but for the moment she worked as a waitress on a restaurant. Tony was still working at ncis. He hoped she would get the job, even if it wasn't in his team. Ziva had got a really close friend to the team, mostly with Kate and Abby. Sometimes too close, if you asked Tony, because they shared things about him. He was really happy and the team could see it. They were happy for them finding each other and starting a life together.

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