The bet

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Earlier this day
Tony had made a bet with her. If he won she would say yes to whatever he said. Tony won the bet and asked her out on a date. She didn't had a choice except saying yes. She regret that she did that deal.

Ziva walked out from the shower with a towel wrapped around her. She dryed her hair and made it in big curls. She put on a neutral makeup then she walked to her bedroom. She opened her closet and took out a black, short dress. She slipped it on and took some black pumps. Then she heard someone knock on her front door. "I'm coming" she yelled and walked to the door. She opensd the door and there stood Tony with a bouquet of red roses. "Hey" she said. "These are for you." He gave her the bouquet. "Thank you. You want to come in? I'll just put these in water." Tony followed her in. "Are you ready?" He asked as she come back. "Yes." Ziva locked her door then they went. Tony took her to an expensive Italy restaurant. "Tony you don't have to do all this for me" she said and grabbed his hand. He smiled. "I want to, you remember." "Yeah." They ate then they went into a park. Ziva stops and look at Tony. "Thank you for tonight." She put her hand on his chest and smiled. "My pleasure." He smiled and looked up in the sky. Out of nowhere it start raining. He started to laugh. He picked her up and swung her around. They both were soaking wet when they started to walking home to Ziva. They stopped outside her door. "Thank you for saying yes. It was fun." He kissed her cheek and smiled. "You want to come in? We can watch a movie. I think you have some clothes here since you slept over here." "Uh sure." She unlocked her door and they went in. She went into her bedroom and took Tony's clothes in a drawer that he had left. Then she went back out to Tony in the living room. "Here" she said and handed him his clothes. "I'll just change clothes too. I will be back soon." "Ok." Tony took of off his wet clothes and laid them on the couch. He took on his pants as Ziva said his name. "Tony?" "Yeah?" "Can you unzip my dress?" "Sure." He went to her bedroom. She was standing next to the bed. "Where is your t-shirt?" "You asked me for help before I could take it on." "Oh." She turned around. Tony put her wet hair on one of her shoulders then he unzip her dress. "Mmm" she said without thinking. She blushed and looked down on her feets. "You like it Miss David? You are a bit red." He laughed. He helped her off her dress then he wrapped his muscular arms around her small waist. He started to kiss her shoulder up to her neck. "Mmm" she moaned. She turned around and put her hands behind his neck and kissed him. He kissed her back as she wrapped her legs around his hips. He went and laid her down on the bed then they did unspeakable things.

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