Mothers day

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Ziva and the team had a new case but Tony had taken the day off.

Ziva's alarm rang and she woke up. She turned it off then looked at Tony. She smiled and kissed his cheek. Tony grabbed her arm as she left the bed. "Don't I get a kiss before you leave?" He asked sleepy as he sat up. She leaned down and kissed his lips. He kissed her back then she left the bed. "See you later sweet cheeks" he said. She took her clothes on then she walked down to do breakfast. 30 minutes later she left their house and drove to ncis.

Tony woke up hours later by someone jumping on him. He opened his eyes and saw two big brown eyes staring at him. "Hi princess" he said and smiled. He sat up and took her in his lap. Little Vera, she had brown eyes and Ziva's skin color, and curly hair in Tony's haircolor. She was 5 years old. "How are you sweetie?" He asked and stroked her hair. "I'm fine" she said and hugged her dad. Tony smiled. "Are you ready to eat then go to the mall?" "Yes yes" she said happy. She jumped down from the bed and Tony left the bed and took some clothes on. Then he walked down to the kitchen and made some toasts. He and Vera ate then they got ready to go. Tony drove to the mall. They buyed some ballons in different letter so it could be 'happy mothers day'. Then they took a break because Vera wanted an ice cream. Tony buyed an ice cream to her and they sat down at a table so she could eat. Then they went to a jewerly store. Vera wanted to give Ziva a bracelet. Tony and Vera looked around for some minutes before they decided. They buyed a cute bracelet. Then they drove to a food store to buy things so they could bake a cake.

At home
Tony walked in to the kitchen with the bags. Vera followed him. "Can we do the cake now?" She asked excited. She loved to bake and help to cook dinner. "Not yet. I've to call mommy first, okay?" She nodded and he walked out from the kitchen. He took up his phone and called Ziva. "Hi Tony." "Hey sweet cheeks. When will you be home?" "I don't know. It looks like I'll be stuck here all night. Gibbs is really mad and want to get the killer. So I'll probably be here til tomorrow." She said and sighed. "Really.. Okay but then you will be home at lunch tomorrow." "I hope so. What have you two done all day?" "Not much, movies." "Have to go. Gibbs is coming. Love you." "Love you too. Bye." He texted Gibbs and said he must let Ziva go home at lunch tomorrow. Then he walked out to Vera and they started to bake a cake. The cake was done 2,5 hour later with strawberries on top. Then they put up ballons in right way so it got 'happy mothers day'. Then everything were ready til Ziva would come home next day. Tony and Vera watched then disney movies rest of the day.

Next day
Vera slept next to Tony in their bed. He woke up and looked at the clock. 10:38am. He got up and took a shower. Then he woke Vera up and they ate breakfast. Then they heard a car pull up. Vera looked out through the window and saw Ziva walking out from the car. "Mommy" she screamed. Ziva opened the door and saw 'happy mothers day' in ballons. She smiled. Then she saw Vera and Tony. "Hey" she said as Vera ran up to her. She hugged her and said "happy mothers day. I love you." "I love you too princess." Vera handed her a box and Ziva opened it. "Awh thank you sweetie. I love you." Ziva said and hugged her daughter again. Vera took her hand and led her to the kitchen. "We baked a cake" she said happy. Ziva smiled and looked at Tony. Tony walked to them. He picked Vera up and then kissed Ziva's cheek. "I love my two girls so much." He said. "We love you too daddy" Vera said. Ziva pulled him in to a kiss and she heard Vera saying "uuugh blaaa." Ziva giggled and kissed Tony again. "I love you" she said. Then they ate the cake.

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