Hide and seek

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"8, 9, 10. Now I come." He said and opened his eyes. He walked towards the playground. He climbed up on the ladder and looked through the tunnel. No baby girl. He walked back down as he saw her behind a tree. He walked over there and sneaked up. "Found." He said and put his hands on her waist. Ziva smiled and leaned in to a kiss. "Daddy" they heard a voice call out. They pulled back and smiled. He countinued to look after her. "I see someone's shoes." He said as he walked around the climb-wall and found his daughter. She laughed and put her arms up to make him pick her up. He kissed her cheek and carried her over to Ziva. "Ima" she said when she saw her. Tony let her down and she ran the last few meters up to her. Tony sat down beside them. "Can we play more hide and seek? Pleeeease." Kensi said with a huge smile. Ziva smiled at their 4 years old daughter. "Or we can go for ice cream." Tony said and tossled her curly hair. "Yay ice crim." She said and jumped down from Ziva's lap. Tony smiled and leaned over to kiss Ziva's cheek. She grabbed his hand and interwined their fingers as they stood up. Kensi grabbed her other hand and they walked through the park. On the other side of the street, there stood someone selling ice cream. They walked across the street and waited for their turn. "Hello, what can I get you?" Tony looked at Ziva. "One strawberry ice cream, one chocolate ice cream and-" "one vanilla ice cream." Tony said, finish off her sentence. Tony paid the girl and she gave them ice cream. Kensi was shining like a sun. She loved ice cream and chocolate. They walked over to a bench and sat down. She wanted to go back to the playground, so they did as they had finished their ice cream. They walked through the park, as a dog came running towards them. "Ima, daddy look a dog." She said happy. "Molly, come here! Molly." A girl yelled and ran after her dog. "Ima!" Kensi said as the dog stopped infront of them. She leaned down to path her as the girl catched up with them. "I'm so so sorry. My boy forget to put her lead on her." The girl said. Kensi patted her very happy. "It's okay. We all know how kids can be. Excited to play with them and everything." Tony said. The girl nodded and lifted up the dog in her arms. "I'm sorry, again." She said and walked away. Tony smiled and grabbed Ziva's hand. They walked back to the playground, there Kensi played alone. They sat on a bench. Tony wrapped his arm around her and she rested her head on his shoulder. "I love you." Tony whispered and kissed her tempel. "I love you too." She sais and kissed him. Then Kensi came back, climbing up in their lap. "There's my beautiful girl." Tony said and kissed her cheek.

My 100 story 🎉 A short one but I hope you liked it 😘

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