Evening out

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Ziva's Pov
I sat at isle, sipping my margarita, and at same time trying to be polite to the guy next to me. He is obviously drunk and very flirtatious with me. He suddenly leaned closer to me, and trapped me between himself and the chair. "You are very sexy... you turn me on.... I want to fuck you, what do you say..." he whispered into my ear. "Get off me!" I said and slapped him across his face. Just on time, Tony came back from the restroom. "What's going on here? What you doing with my girlfriend?" He yelled, and pushed the drunken ass away from me. "Tony," I stated. Tony then took a swing at his face, and again. "Tony! It's enough!" I said and pulled him away. I looked back at the guy and saw him laughing at Tony. I gritted my teeth then turned back to Tony. I gave him a smile before I cupped his face, and kissed him. Tony smiled and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closer to him. My tounge asked for access which he gladly obeyed. When air became necessary, I pulled apart. Tony smiled like an idiot, his typical smile. I looked behind me and that drunken guy was now gone. We sat back down at the isle and finished our drinks, and maybe took some more.

I woke up and my head was throbbing. As my vision cleared, I realize I was not in my own bed nor alone. Automatically, mostly by panic, I lifted the cover to check if I was naked. Thank god, I was in my underwear and I sighed relived. Tony was peacefully asleep so I decided to let him sleep little bit longer. I sneaked out off bed and collected my clothes, then I left the bedroom. I debated with myself whether I should take a shower or not, deciding I should. After the shower, I could still hear soft snores coming from the bedroom. I decided to do some breakfast and make coffee before waking him up. I put everything on the tray and carried it into the bedroom. I put the tray on the nightstand then woke him up. "Tony" I said in a sweet tone. His eyes fluttered open. He looked at me, then the breakfast, back to me. I could tell by his facial expression, he was confused and suprised in same time. I just chuckled. "I could get used to this." He said with a cheesy smile. "Used to me or the breakfast in bed?" I stated as I raised my eyebrown. "I.. uhm... you? No, breakfast. Both?" He stuttered and I smiled. "Eat your breakfast while it's still warm." I said and took a sip of my coffee. "You took a shower?" He asked. I nodded. "Hope you don't mind. I smelled like alcohol." I said and he shook his head. "My head is killing me." He whined. "Mine too, and I couldn't find any aspirin..." I answered. "I might, be out of aspirin..." he said with innocent eyes. I leaned against the headboard and looked at him. "About last night..." he started off. "I, we, was drunk. But... the alcohol, made me do what I haven't dared to do. Kiss you. I don't regret it because I have wanted that for a long time. I like you, a lot. And I hope you feel the same." I said as my cheeks flushed light red. "Say something, Tony." I said, even more embarrassed now. He chuckled as he rubbed the back of his head. "I don't really know what to say. My head is throbbing and making it impossible to think. All I come up with is some cheesy James Bond quote." I giggled and leaned closer to him. "Well I suppose I take your silence as yes." I whispered and kissed his cheek before I laid my head on his chest. His arms went around me and I smiled. For a long time, I loved this man. I just been afraid to confess it to him. "Ziva.." he said and looked at me. I lifted my head up from his chest and said "hmm". He said nothing, he just cupped my face. Our lips met in a sweet and passionate kiss. I smiled, and kissed him back as my hands went around his neck. Of course, we got interrupted by Tony's phone ringing. We groaned. Tony rolled his eyes before answering his phone. "Yes... But it's Saturday... yes boss... of course... we be there..." I heard him say. "A case?" I asked. He nodded. "He said I would pick you up since you are not answering your phone." I looked around, having no clue where my phone is. "Well I need to get home and change clothes, and you need a shower." I stated. "I will run home and you pick me up." I said and gave him a quick kiss.

"Let's end for the day. We start fresh in the morning." Gibbs said as he entered the squad room. I sighed relieved. I grabbed my things then shot Tony a glare. "You coming?" I asked. He looked very confused. "I need a ride home... remember you picked me up this morning." I said. "Ah yes..." he only mumbled as he grabbed his things. "Hold it, Tim." I said and ran into the elevator, along with Tony. We reached his car and got inside. "What a day..." I sighed and looked at him. He was about to lean in to kiss me, but I stopped him. "Not here... Someone can see us, plus there are cameras." He nodded and started the car. "What about we stop at my place so I can get some clothes then we head to you?" I asked. He just gave me a nod. We did a five minutes stop at my apartment before continuing home to Tony. We both were exhausted from the lack of sleep and a long day of work, so we went to bed. I smiled as he rolled on top of me. "I love you" he said and caressed my cheek. "Well, I love you too." I replied and brought our lips together. "Good night" he said and kissed my forehead, before switching off the lights. 

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