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I thought I'd write a small Tate story, hope you like it 😊

Tony and Kate sat at their desks in the squad room, alone. Tony typed on his keyboard and looked over at Kate with a smile. Kate's computer dinged and she opened the email. She looked at Tony and his smile got even bigger. She typed on her keyboard and seconds later his computer dinged. His smile fadded away. He looked at Kate and saw she smiling at him. "That's not me." He said. "Of course that's not you. Too bad nobody else gonna know that." She responded back. "That's loaded." He snapped. "I have learn from the best, Tony... We both delete it at same time?" She said. "On three." "One, two, three." Kate said and pushed down the delete button.

Next day
"Are you even listening to me, DiNozzo?" Kate said as she stood up and walked over to his desk. She leaned up against it and looked at him then his computer screen. "You said you deleted it!" She snapped. Tony looked at her with a smile. "I did delete it but I put it as my background picture first." He said smiling. "Change it, Tony! I'll kill you. Change it!" She hissed. Tony stood up as she said "what a-". Tony pushed her farther his desk and pressed his lips on hers. It was a sweet, passionate and long kiss. Her head spun around, not knowing what to do. He pulled back for some seconds then kissed her again before she could say something. She sighed as she snaked her arms around his neck. She pulled him down on her as she slowly laid down on his desk. She pulled back after some minute. "We can't do this." She breath out. "So you just lead me on, thinking we have something?" He hissed. She looked at him and took a step closer to him. "No, I mean we can't do this here. We don't know who can see us and Gibbs and McGee can walk in any second." She said as she put her hand on his cheek and stroked it with her thumb. He smiled slightly. She cupped his face with both her hands and kissed him. We elevator dinged and they spread apart. "Do you two got something?" Gibbs asked and stopped infront of them. "I was just showing Tony a theory about how our victim could have died." Kate said, turning to Gibbs. "Show us." Gibbs said.

Kate walked to her desk and sat down as her computer dinged. "My place tonight?" She smiled as Gibbs spoke up. "Got something?" "No just my sister. She is planning a visit." Kate said and typed back. "Sounds good to me 😘". They continue chatting until Gibbs yelled their names. "DiNozzo, Todd! Abby's lab!" They both walked down fast to her lab without any other thoughts in their minds.

Later that day
Gibbs let them go home and Tony and Kate hurried to the elevator. Tony leaned in to a kiss as the door had closed. "I'll buy us something to drink before I drive home." He said and walked out through the elevator. Kate speeded home to his place. She had no key so she picked his lock up instead. She went to search for candles. To last she turned the light off and the candles shined in the room. She walked into his bedroom and looked through his closest for his ncis hoodie. She found it and slipped her blouse off and his hoodie on. His hoodie was big enough so it obscured her shorts. She walked back out to the living room and sat down in a corner of his couch. The door opened minutes later and he walked in. "How did you get in?" He asked. "Changed my mind, don't answer that." He said and walked into his kitchen. He came back with two glasses and a bottle of red wine. He sat down next to her and gave her a peek on the lips. Then he pored up some wine and handed a glass to Kate. "Is that my hoodie?" He asked as she took a sip of the wine. She nodded with a smile. She put down her glass on the table. "Do you have something under?" He asked with a smirk and put his glass down aswell. "That you have to find out by yourself." She smirked back. "But I know you have too much clothes on." She started to fiddle with his tie, jacket and the buttons on his shirt. His shirt was off and he pushed her down. She giggled as he captured her lips. They made out for a couple of minutes. He rolled off her and laid down next to her. He nuzzled his head into her hair, which made her smile. Then he slipped his cold hands under his hoodie and felt her warm skin against his. He snaked his arms around her small waist and stayed like that all evening, sharing a few kisses then and then, but mostly enjoying themselves being next to each other.

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