Party girl

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Ziva's POV
I just finished up my makeup when it knocked on my room. I went to open and there she stood. Abby or Abigail Borin. "Aren't you ready yet?" She asked and walked inside. "You look so great!" I said with a sigh. "I hope you aren't planning on wearing that tonight." She said and sat down on the bed. We were on a cruising for 3 days. I shot her a glare. "What am I gonna wear?" I said and sighed again. I opened my closet and looked through my clothes. "Uhm... what about.. this?" I said, holding a red glittery, low cut, tank top and a black short skirt. "It will be great to those high heels and to your hair." Abby said, smiling at me. I put on my outfit and high heels, then looked myself in the mirror. "You look great." I smiled at her. "You want one?" I asked, holding up a bottle of Sourz. "Yes please!" She said. We took one or two shots before heading down to the real party. The room were already filled with people and loud music when we entered. Abby pulled me into the crowd of people and we began to dance. Abby though, found a good-looking guy and went to flirt and dance with him. Luckily, we wasn't sharing rooms, I thought. I danced for my own then a guy invited me to dance. Actually, a good-looking guy with a great smile and beautiful eyes. We danced for the next three songs then he asked me if I wanted something to drink. So we headed to the bar. I don't know if it was the alcohol talking or it was me, but I liked this guy, a lot. We talked about stuff while getting some shots. He invited me up on the floor again. We danced and I got more and more into him. In the middle of the song I leaned into him and kissed him. He kissed me back so we made out for a couple of seconds. "Wow," he said and smiled. I smiled back and he swirled me around. We danced the following song through. Then he went to get us something to drink. I waited. I thought he may not find me in the crowd. So I walked to the bar but he wasn't there. I sighed, almost getting frustrated. I walked up to my room and pretty much slammed the door shut. "Who doesn't ask for a number!" I mumbled for myself.

The next day
I had barely got any sleep. Normally when I'm drunk, or have drinken, I quickly fall asleep and sleep all night. But not this time. This time I had something or someone bothering me. It knocked on my door and it was Abby. "What's wrong?" She asked. "You look happy." I said, bitter. "Yeah I had sex with a good-looking guy that you didn't get. Tell me the whole story." She said and sat down beside me. "Well that guy invited me to dance and it led to other things, like we making out. He went to get us something to drink but never came back." I said. "The thing I don't understand. Why don't take me number or tell me his name." I said. "He sounds like a completely idiot. But have you maybe thought I didn't find you?" She asked. I nodded. "Maybe you two will find each other tonight. Maybe then he make a move on you." She said with a wink.

I wasn't motivated at all to go to the party tonight but Abby pretty much forced me too. I dressed myself in a simple tight wine-red dress. Tonight I had straighten my hair instead of curly. When I got down to the party, I went to the bar and sat down. "Something strong," I said and sighed. I looked at all the people dancing and having fun on the floor. "Forever alone," I mumbled and emptied my glass. "A beer please," a voice said. "And a glass wine to her" the same voice said. I turned around. "You are not allowed to buy me drinks." I said. "Oh damn," the bartender said and put the drinks infront of him. "Oh shut up." Both of us said. "Okay, you have all rights to be mad on me, I suppose. But it wasn't my attention to do this." He said. "What about we start over?" He said and handed me the glass. I looked at him. Why do I have to be so weak, I thought. "And what do I get out of it?" I said and took the glass. "Well..." he said. "I'm Tony." He continued, "and you are"? "Ziva." I said, smiling. "You are such an idiot." I said and laughed. He drank up his beer and leaned towards me. "Maybe an idiot but I know how to make up for mistakes." He whispered. I looked at him and once again ended up kissing him. My arm went around his neck pulling him closer to me. "Shall we finish this upstairs?" I husked. "With pleasure." He whispered and kissed me back.

The next day
I woke up by Tony waking me. Someone was knocking on my door. "Ziva, Ziva." Abby yelled. "Should I get dressed?" Tony asked, ready to leave the bed. I shook my head. "I know your in there. Open the door." She continued. "Abby, it's not a good time right now. I will come to you later." I yelled back. "What? Ziva-" she said. "I will talk to you later okay?" I said. "Ziva, oh, okay! Oh!" She said. "I'm sorry for that. This wasn't the way I wanted you to wake up." I said, caressing his cheek. "It's okay." He said and kissed me. I pulled me back down on the bed and I smiled.

Sorry for a pretty lame story. I don't know. I'm out of inspiration. Please give me something.

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